
Ottawa Sunshine List 2022 Ottawa Sunshine List 2022: What Do You Think?

This article will provide information about the Ottawa Sunshine List 20022, as well as a description of the salary structure for civil servants.

Know the name and title of the highest-salaried public servant in Ottawa? The Government of Ontario has released the list, which gives you an idea of the highest-paid government servant. The list was made available in Canada.

The list shows that the government paid more then 100000 USD to public sector officials last fiscal year. The public wanted to know more about the list after it was released. This article will provide a brief overview about Ottawa Sunshine List 20022.

What do You Know About the List?

  • According to the list, Ottawa is home to 4741 people. The numbers for last year were 4864.
  • 1436 people work for the police department, which is part of 4741. This list also includes 814 fire department employees. There are 307 paramedics.
  • The Human Resources Council explained that the base salary is about 100000 USD. The Public Library of San Francisco employees are also included in the list.
  • Elizabeth Marland, director of human resource, also shared that 32 per cent of employees are on a sunshine list.

Ottawa Sunshine List 2022: What Do You Think?

  • According to the list the police chief and top-ranking doctors get the highest salaries. Steve Kanellakos, town manager, has the highest salary. The salary of the Town Manager is about 370714 US dollars.
  • The average salary of a top medical officer is about 326602 US dollars. The list also shows the ex-police chief of Ottawa had a salary of 341827 USD in 2017. The ex-police chief resigned on February 20, 2022.
  • According to the list, Monir Taylor and Monir Taylor, two assistant medical officers, earned 276,489, 276488, and 276488, respectively, last year.

Ottawa Sunshine List2022 – Other Information

Our internet research revealed that the list also includes names of staff from other important departments, such as Transport, City Police Staff and Hospital’s employees.

These data and information can help you get an idea of the salary structure.

Name Department Salary

Bernard Jasmin Dean of University of Ottawa $439.349

Dr Bernard Leduc President Montfort Hospital 4334,515

Dr Virginia Roth, Chief of the City Hospital 396,002

Joanne Bezzubetz President Royal Ottawa $376.873

Steve Bell, Ottawa Police Deputy Chief $265 093

The Ottawa Sunshine List provides detailed information about the structure of the salaries, which was shared above.

What makes the News Trending?

This list was released on the 25th March 2022. The list includes direct information regarding the salaries of government officials.

People are curious to see the complete list because of this trend.

At Last

The study found that if the list published the department’s name, the name and salary of the person, as well as the total salary packages and any changes to the salary, it was considered to have published this information. In total, 573,568 entries have been added to the list. The Ottawa Sunshine List 2022 provides the ability to check the primary data.

You can also visit the official website by clicking this link. Did you see the list? Please comment.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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