
Reyesmagosiberia Com {Jan 2023} Social Media Link!

Reyesmagosiberia Com This post discusses the king-calling service and the application process on Reyesmagosiberia’s website.

Do you want your child communicating with the three kings? Are they open to talking to their majesties Iberia Company is launching its three-kings of Iberia initiative for children this Christmas. The three kings will video call the children.

Reyesmagosiberia’s website wisdom men campaign proved popular with Spain youngsters in 2020. wrote about the Iberia Video Call Campaign and its process.

Reyesmagos Iberia Website:

Iberia is a Spanish Airline that operates international flights from Madrid. Reyesmagos, a subdomain Iberia’s website, launched its child calling services in 2020 during the covid-19 epidemic. The king-calling service was an immediate success with over 1.6 million calls being reported within three days.

The website activity reached a new high on January 5, with more than.5 million people applying for the king call.

What’s Reyesmagos Iberia King Calling Service

Through the King calling service, children can interact with three wise men named Gaspar, Baltasar, or Melchor. The wise men will contact children via the internal call to inquire about their activities throughout the year.

They will call them by names and encourage them to follow their New Year resolutions. Melchor, Gaspar and Gaspar will also discuss gifts that children should expect from their parents.

The calling service might be activated before the January 5 and 6 night, when the king will present gifts. Reyesmagos Iberia Comking’s calling service is a wonderful experience for children that they will treasure throughout their lives.

How can I apply for King calling service via the Iberia website.

These steps will help you get a king-calling for your kids.

  • Go to the website
  • You can access this site from your mobile phone, laptop or tablet.
  • You will be presented with an application form which asks for different information.
  • Enter the name of your child.
  • Please enter the name and email address of the person to whom you want to send the message.
  • Select one of the many options.
  • Select the option “Request of the Kings”
  • Click on the Start button.

Reyesmagosiberia Co Social Media Reactions:

Iberia posted a three-king video on its Twitter account. A few parents responded. The king appears as though he is addressing the children in a short promotional video. This website is not mentioned on Reddit, Instagram or any other social media.

Social Media Link:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram Not Available
  • Reddit: Not Available
  • Website Link

Final verdict

Reyesmagosiberia (subdomain of Iberia’s) provides calling services for kids during special occasions. You can send your application and invite the King to call your children on this website.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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