Rubik’s Cube World Records: The Fastest Solvers and Most Impressive Times
The Rubik’s Cube, invented by Ernő Rubik in 1974, is a popular and challenging puzzle that has captivated the minds of millions of people around the world. Over the years, there have been many skilled and dedicated cubers who have pushed the boundaries of speed and agility, setting world records for solving the rubik’s cube in the shortest time possible.

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Rubik’s Cube world records, including the fastest solvers and most impressive times, with a focus on both the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube and the small rubik’s cube variants.
The Standard-Sized Rubik’s Cube World Records
The standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, also known as the 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube, is the most common and widely recognized version of the puzzle. Over the years, there have been remarkable achievements by cubers who have set world records for solving the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube in the shortest time possible. Here are some of the fastest solvers and most impressive times:
Feliks Zemdegs: Feliks Zemdegs, an Australian speedcuber, holds the current world record for the fastest solution of the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, with a time of 3.47 seconds. He achieved this incredible feat at the Cube for Cambodia 2019 competition, setting a new benchmark for speedcubing.
Yusheng Du: Yusheng Du from China set the previous world record for the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, with a time of 3.47 seconds, which was tied by Feliks Zemdegs. Du achieved this remarkable time at the Wuhu Open 2018 competition, showcasing the incredible speed and dexterity of top-level speedcubers.
Average of 5: In addition to the single fastest time, speedcubers also compete for the average of 5 solves, where the best and worst times are discarded, and the remaining 3 times are averaged. Feliks Zemdegs also holds the world record for the fastest average of 5 solves on the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, with an average time of 4.22 seconds, achieved at the Melbourne Cube Day 2018 competition.
The Smaller Rubik’s Cube Variants

In addition to the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, there are also smaller variants of the puzzle that pose their unique challenges and have their world records. These smaller Rubik’s Cube variants include:
2x2x2 Rubik’s Cube: Also known as the Pocket Cube or Mini Cube, the 2x2x2 Rubik’s Cube is a smaller version of the puzzle with only 8 pieces per face. Despite its smaller size, solving the 2x2x2 Rubik’s Cube requires a different set of algorithms and strategies compared to the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube.
4x4x4 Rubik’s Cube: Also known as the Rubik’s Revenge, the 4x4x4 Rubik’s Cube is a larger and more challenging variant of the puzzle with 24 pieces per face. Solving the 4x4x4 Rubik’s Cube requires additional strategies and algorithms compared to the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, making it a popular choice for experienced Cubers.
5x5x5 Rubik’s Cube: Also known as the Professor’s Cube, the 5x5x5 Rubik’s Cube is an even larger and more complex variant of the puzzle with 48 pieces per face. Solving the 5x5x5 Rubik’s Cube requires advanced strategies and algorithms, making it a true test of skill. In the world of Rubik’s Cube world records, there are also impressive achievements by cubers who have mastered the smaller Rubik’s Cube variants. Here are some notable world records for the smaller Rubik’s Cube variants:
Yumu Tabuchi: Yumu Tabuchi from Japan holds the current world record for the fastest solution of the 2x2x2 Rubik’s Cube, with a time of 0.49 seconds. He achieved this incredible time at the Nikkei Open 2020 competition, showcasing his speed and precision in solving the smaller cube.
Yusheng Du: Yusheng Du, who also holds the world record for the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube, also holds the world record for the fastest solve of the 4x4x4 Rubik’s Cube, with a time of 17.95 seconds. He achieved this remarkable time at the Chaozhou Open 2019 competition, demonstrating his mastery of the larger and more complex Rubik’s Cube variant.
Max Park: Max Park, a renowned speedcuber from the United States, holds the current world record for the fastest solve of the 5x5x5 Rubik’s Cube, with a time of 36.39 seconds. He achieved this impressive time at the Berkeley Spring 2020 competition, showcasing his advanced strategies and algorithms in solving the challenging Professor’s Cube.
The world of Rubik’s Cube world records is filled with incredible achievements by skilled and dedicated Cubers. From the standard-sized Rubik’s Cube to the smaller variants like the 2x2x2 and 4x4x4 Rubik’s Cubes, these puzzles pose unique challenges that require advanced strategies, algorithms, and skills to achieve impressive times. Memorization, lookahead, finger tricks, practice, muscle memory, and customized setups are some of the key factors that contribute to the success of top-level speedcubers in achieving world records. With constant practice, dedication, and perseverance, who knows what new records will be set in the future as speed