
Satanic Verses Wiki Why are the News Trending?

What do YOU know about Satanic Verses? The book returns to the frontline after Salman Rushdie, a New York City stabber, was killed. Again, the incident is a slap on Rushdie and freedom of expression.

Many readers have condemned the attack in India as well as Canada. Salman is already being ventilated and the medical team has reported that he needs further treatment. We have to check the Satanic Verses Wiki.

What do You Know About Satanic Verses

It’s a novel that Salman Rushdie wrote. There are some interesting facts to be found in the book.

Rushdie wrote it as his fourth novel. The book was published in 1988. Since then, the book has been the most controversial. The Islam prophet Muhammad was the inspiration for the book. They mostly draw an analysis on the life of Muhammad through the accounts of some events.

The satanic Versses

Satanic verses are about the members of “Quranic”, and three pagan goddesses: AL-Uzza and Manat. The term Satanic Verses refers to the “Satanic Suggestion” found in Islam. Rushdie depicted these goddesses as a reflection of Islamic culture and thought. That caused anger among Islamic religious authorities to an enormous extent.

Many Islamic nations declare war against Rushdie. Rushdie also faced life-threatening threats in the United Kingdom. Some Muslim extremists approved the ban on the versatile writer and issued a life-threatening threat for the book.

Satanic Versses Wiki Latest Update

Salman Rushdie visited the United States recently to attend a public meeting regarding the issue of artist freedom. Rushdie gave a speech to the crowd. A twenty-four-year old man ran to Rushdie and stabbed him brutally. This attacker was arrested later by police. Hadi Matar was the attacker.

Hadi, who was originally from New Jersey, came to the program as a guest. Rushdie was taken to the nearest hospital later by the rescue and health teams. While the medical team completed the surgery, Rushdie is still under ventilation and fighting for his life in the Satanic Verses Wiki.

Why are the News Trending?

Many were shocked after this horrible incident. Many have already commented on social networks. Many have said it is an attack against freedom of speech. Millions of people aren’t inclined to support Islamic radicalism, nor do they criticize any type of religious radicalism. Many media houses published the news with great respect for Salman Rushdie.


The writer’s condition is still considered critical, according to the most recent update. The medical team continues to monitor his health. Many people are still searching for the information on Satanic Verses Wikipedia.

For all of the information in this article, we have reliable and trusted internet sources.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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