
Secrets of a Successful Pin Up Bet

Betting on sports has long gone beyond mere entertainment. For many people, this hobby has turned into a way of earning income. The statement that “the bookmaker always wins” is wrong, and this is proven by millions of bettors around the world.

The potential profit attracts many newcomers to this field, but for most of them, the bookmaker activity ends with the drain of the deposit in just a few days. Because of this, there is an opinion that it is impossible to stay in the plus in Pin Up Betting. In fact, it is not. Beginners often make mistakes by starting to place bets in bookmakers without proper training. What does a beginner bettor need to know in order not to lose their money in the first week?

Conditions for winning bets

The main mistake of beginners is that they rely solely on their knowledge of the sport. In fact, knowledge alone is not a guarantee of stable profits. To be successful in betting on sports, several conditions must be taken into account.

Adequate perception

Beginners often make the mistake of thinking that betting will be almost a chore for them. Of course, there are people who use betting as their main source of income, but there are not many of them. Therefore, before you start making money at the bookmaker office, you need to prepare yourself psychologically. You should understand that:

  • You will not only win, but also lose. Even professionals lose. Therefore, a loss should be perceived as an experience.
  • Betting on sports is, first of all, pleasure, additional drive from watching your favorite match. The financial side is just a nice bonus.
  • Betting is a hobby. Favorite activity in free time. You are not obliged to bet just because you have to. On the contrary, you need to approach betting with a “cool head”.

These nuances will help you a lot, especially in the first stages. In this case, it is important not to lose your head and not to risk large sums. With a “cool head”, you will learn to analyze information faster. And most importantly, you will get emotions, drive and a lot of pleasure from watching your favorite competitions!

Analysis of information

To win in a bookmaker office, you definitely need to be able to work with information. This is the foundation of your success. A professional bookmaker always knows what information is needed to make a winning bet, and what these or other data indicate. Therefore, if you want to win in a bookmaker’s office, the ability to compare facts and draw correct conclusions is one of the key skills.

Information for different sports is, of course, different, so a single list of data does not exist in principle. For example, for betting on football, you will need the following data:

  • Tournament position. It is necessary to analyze how the teams perform in the current season, how they performed in the previous one. How much they score and concede. What calendar awaits them in the upcoming matches or in the rest of the season.
  • Form. How successful are the teams in the last matches? Is there a streak or, on the contrary, is the club “fever”? Are there goals, goalless streaks?
  • Personnel situation. What is the optimal composition of clubs? How the last transfer campaign was conducted, how the newcomers show themselves. Are there injured or disqualified players in the team?
  • Personnel. What form are the team leaders in? How successful they are during the season. Will they take part in the match you want to bet on, etc.
  • Style of play. What kind of football does the coach of the team follow? Does the team attack a lot or prefer to defend. Are there many “rude” players in the team who regularly receive warnings and removals.

The list of given data is very tentative, but based on this information you may notice some patterns. For example, if both teams demonstrate bright, attacking football, are on a scoring streak, but at the same time do not shine defensively, you can consider the “total goals more” bet. 

If there are a lot of “rides” in the lineups of two teams, and a referee with a harsh style of judging is appointed for the match, you should pay attention to the bet “the total number of yellow cards is more”, etc. The result of the analysis may be different.

Remember that a bet on the favorite’s victory is not always a winning bet. Sometimes a better option with a higher coefficient lies on the surface. Therefore, always carefully approach the analysis of information, because information is the main weapon of a bookmaker. 

Of course, don’t give in to emotions. Make bets for fun, and do not rush to “throw” large amounts, even if you are 100% sure of your option. The right mindset, capital management and information analysis are the “three whales” for any successful bookmaker.

Money management

Money management is the key to profit in sports betting. You need to learn how to manage your capital. There are also several nuances that need to be taken into account.

  1. You can top up your account at the bookmaker’s office only with the money that you don’t mind losing. In no case should this be money with which you will buy groceries or pay utility bills tomorrow. We recall the rule of perception: you can both win and lose. And if you’re unlucky, it should be money you “don’t mind”.
  2. Don’t try to double your bet after losing. If your bet doesn’t work, another one will come in. Later, you can still return the lost money and come out in the positive. The golden rule of betting fans is that the amount of the bet should not exceed 10% of the pot. If you had 100 hryvnias, you bet 10. If you lose, you have 90 hryvnias left, and you bet 9. If you win, and you have 200 hryvnias, you bet 20, etc.
  3. Do not try to play back immediately after placing a bet. It is a very bad idea to “hot-headedly” try to return the lost amount. Don’t let your emotions take control of you. It is not recommended to make more than 3 bets per day. If everyone has lost, it is better to close the bookmaker’s website/app and rest. You will have time to make up for it another time.

Experienced bookmakers also keep records of all bets in a separate notebook or table. Fix bets, odds, results and budget after betting. After calculating game tickets, use this data for analysis.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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