The Benefits and Limitations of LED Lights

LED stands for light emitting diode – the newest development in the lighting industry. This exciting technological advancement has gained popularity due to its numerous advantages. LED is now an essential element used in electronics and is now the preferred alternative to fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. Below are the various benefits LED lighting offers for commercial and industrial businesses and home use.
Energy efficient
You can measure how energy efficient a light source is by considering the amount of light a device emits for each power unit or watt the bulb uses. Initially, the light was measured by how many lumens it produced, but the truth is some of these lumens go to waste. Unlike traditional lighting sources, LED lighting produces more useful lumens and less waste. Therefore, LED lighting is energy efficient since they produce less waste.
You could see as much as 60% to 70% improvement in energy efficiency if you replaced all the lighting in your space with LED lighting. The improvement could be as significant as 90% in some cases, depending on the lights you are replacing and the kind of LED lights you are using. Improvements in energy efficiency mean you incur fewer electricity costs. LED lights are therefore a wise investment for any business.
Long lifespan
The lifespan of LED lighting is superior compared to that of the average fluorescent or incandescent bulb. Generally, the average lifespan of an incandescent bulb is approximately a thousand hours, while an LED light can last up to 50,000 hours. It may last as long as 100,000 hours, depending on your use. That means it takes a while before replacing your LED lights – approximately six to 12 years, 40 times longer than an incandescent bulb. Due to their long lifespan, you incur fewer replacement and maintenance costs, which translates to financial savings.
However, you may wonder where to purchase quality LED lights. Working with a recognized heavy-duty LED supplier helps you to get value for your money.
Ability to operate in cold conditions
Traditional lighting sources don’t perform well in cold conditions; a drop in temperature results in high voltage usage. The intensity of the light also diminishes, meaning spaces will not be well illuminated. On the other hand, LED lights perform even better in cold weather by about 5%, making them an ideal choice for lighting refrigerators, freezers, meat lockers and other cold storage spaces. They do not require a higher voltage to start, and their light intensity does not diminish.
Their ability to perform better in cold temperatures makes them ideal for lighting building perimeters, parking lots, and outdoor digital signage.
No heat or UV emissions
Incandescent bulbs emit a lot of heat; you are probably aware of this if you have replaced an incandescent bulb right after it goes out. Usually, traditional lighting sources convert more than 90% of the energy they use to heat, using only 10% for light production. But LED light almost doesn’t emit heat and illuminates within the visible spectrum.
The above feature is one reason medical specialists consider LEDs a potential solution for people who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder during darker months of the year. Their ability to emit light within the visible spectrum also makes them ideal for illuminating artwork that gradually degrades with exposure to UV rays.
The above advantages are some of the many reasons why LED lighting has become popular in business applications. However, this does not mean that LED lights do not suffer demerits.
Disadvantages of LED lights
While LED lighting has numerous benefits, this advanced lighting technology has a few downsides. For example:
Installing LED lights is pricier than investing in traditional light sources. Although investing in LED lights is expensive, their energy consumption is much less than traditional lighting sources. Their lifespan is also 40 times much longer, meaning that you will reduce replacement and maintenance costs. The upfront cost of LED bulbs may be much higher, but you save more in the long term.
LED lights are also sensitive to high temperatures; the diodes’ lighting quality highly depends on the ambient operating temperature. At high temperatures, changes in the current passing through the semiconductor elements can cause the LED module to burn out. However, this problem only affects places or surfaces exposed to high or rapid temperature increases.
Today, more businesses, governmental organizations, and companies are switching to LED lighting due to the various benefits. Investing in an LED lighting system is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your business.