The Best Mobile Games Played in 2022: Top List
In 2021, a record high of $90 billion in smartphone gaming revenue was reached. Successful franchises have long understood this trend and started to invest in indie projects. Well, companies from Asian countries have decided to create something that would revolutionize games on mobile devices and massively attract the attention of players around the world. In this selection, we will tell you about the most interesting projects that have already been released or will be released very soon.
Probably, there are not many game lovers in the world who would not have heard of such a famous series as Diablo. Not surprisingly, the Blizzard studio, which owns the franchise, has decided to continue the series and, together with the Chinese company NetEase, transfer the famous universe to mobile devices. The plot of this MMO RPG takes place in the time gap between Diablo II and III, in the unusual fantasy world of Sanctuary, filled with challenges, as well as quests and bosses of various levels. If you don’t like this kind of game, you can always visit the page about casino streamers and follow the advice of the most popular gamers on YouTube and Twitch.
This is perhaps the most anticipated game from our selection. Inspired by the triumph of Battle Royale on mobile platforms, Electronic Arts and Respawn decided to transfer their famous Apex Legends to mobile platforms. Battles take place on a vast map for 60 players, who are distributed among 20 teams, as in the original game. In order to increase the dynamics of battles, it was decided to reduce the match time. In the mobile version, most likely, not all the legends will be available.
Of course, this game could not be avoided in our top list of the best and most anticipated games. This is one of the most popular third-person shooters of all time. Even though DICE suffered a huge fiasco with the disappointing Battlefield 2042 last year. We hope that the Industrial Toys studio team involved in the mobile development of this shooter will be able to avoid the fate of the main game. We are promised group battles on both familiar and unknown maps, and a large arsenal of vehicles, including tanks and ATVs. As before, the game will have partially destructible objects, and the heroes will be divided into classes with their own special gadgets.
The Chinese MMO RPG by NetEase promises a lot of fun as a multi-platform AAA game with unusual mechanics and great graphics. As the title suggests, the action takes place in a Scandinavian mythology world, and the main goal of the players is to prevent the end of the world. In the game, the developers have prepared a lot of activities, including the search for resources and dungeons in cooperation with other players. There is no class binding, but there is the ability to switch characters and participate in massive PvP battles.