The Best Questlines for OSRS Non-Members

Quests are an important activity in RuneScape, as some content is locked behind quests, you can unlock new areas by completing quests, and even new ways to earn OSRS gold can hide behind the completion of some quests. Solving quests will generally cost you some OSRS GP since you’ll have to buy a few items unless you want to take the more arduous ironman journey and obtain all of the items yourself.
Overview of These Quests
Most of the quests will involve a fair amount of wandering around or using specific items or spells to teleport and reach specific points of interest, which could also cost a bit of OSRS gold. Still, on the flip side, some quests will award you with OSRS GP or items you could sell through your OSRS accounts for sale. You might have several attempts and die several times for other quests, while others won’t impose any dangers.
There are 22 free-to-play quests; if you manage to complete all of them, you will get 44 quest points. Quest points are vital because you will unlock content and quests with them.
- With 10 quest points, you will be able to trade items to other players in free-to-play worlds, but you will also need a total level of 100 and 20 hours of playtime
- With 12 quest points, you can start the Black Knights’ Fortress quest.
- With 16 quest points, you can start the Below Ice Mountain quest.
- With 32 quest points, you can enter the Champions’ Guild to begin Dragon Slayer I and earn the right to wear the best free-to-play armours: rune platebody and green d’hide body.
You will also need various quest points for specific member content such as quests or achievement diaries or even to unlock slayer block slots. Quest points will also affect two members’ minigames: Tears of Guthix and the Nightmare zone.
Below Ice Mountains
This free 2 play quest will give you access to a new area to explore, the Ruins of Camdozaal. Even though it doesn’t officially belong to a questline, you will need this quest to access the upcoming members’ grandmaster quest, desert treasures 2. The area you’ll unlock with this quest will also serve as the layer of one of the four repeatable bosses unlocked by completing the fourth grandmaster quest. However, as a non-member, you might still find much value in this area with exciting activities, including a Prayer training method, Mining, Fishing, and a few valuable uniques, such as the Imcando hammer. To start the quest, you will need 16 quest points.
Prince Ali Rescue
Prince Ali Rescue is the first of the Kharidian questline, which ends with the Beneath cursed sands quest, which will unlock the Raids 3 (Tombs of Amascut) area, which you can access as a member. This quest is also worth it because after you complete it, you won’t need to pay the fee at the gate that separates Lumbridge from Al’Kharid, which is important as a quality-of-life upgrade since you won’t need to carry around your GP to pay the fee anymore. Finishing the quest will also grant you 3 quest points if you aim for Below ice mountain or Dragon slayer 1.
Rune Mysteries
Rune Mysteries is another free-to-play quest that you must solve. Besides being really short, it is the first of a series of quests to grant you access to a Runecraft minigame, Guardians of the rift. Besides this, the quest will allow you to use XP lamps on your Runecraft skill, and especially if you’re an ironman, you’ll benefit from the ability to mine rune essence yourself. The quest also affects the easy Ardougne achievement diary, as you must teleport to an essence mine for one of the tasks.
Dragon Slayer 1
Dragon Slayer 1 is the best quest you can complete as a non-member. This is because completing the quest will give you access to wearing the best free-to-play armour, the rune armour, and the green d’hide body and unlock the ability to kill dragons. Even though you cannot kill dragons in free 2 play, this is the only way to unlock this ability, and it will serve you immensely when you decide to become a member.
The quest is the first in the dragonkin quest series, so it will unlock the ability to continue the story and questline as a member, which ends with one of the still three grandmaster quests, Dragon Slayer 2, a quest that has a long list of rewards amongst which the ability to fight Vorkath. This boss can bring you a huge amount of OSRS gold or access to the wrath altar if you want to earn OSRS GP through skilling rather than combat.