The Bracelet and Our Love!

A Bracelet! Lots of memories!
Token of love, the symbol of love!
2013, it was a winter morning when he gifted me something special. He proposed to me this precious one. No, it was not a ring. A bracelet! Since I was in college, and could not let anyone know that I was taken. So he proposed me with it. It may look like an ordinary one. But I know it’s full of his love! He has a similar one since it was from a couple set collections. And the hidden secret behind it is, these 2 bracelets have the date engraved when he proposed to me.
We had just fallen in love with each other but never expressed it. He was my senior college mate. He came to my dormitory and sent an SMS to come down. I was before him and could read his feelings from his eyes. I was shivering a little, but I don’t know whether it was for the gentle cold breeze or something else. He came closer, put my hand on his chest, and told me, “Can you feel yourself in my heart? Don’t say no. Because I know I feel the same for you.” Then he said those three magical words. “I Love You”. Even though I could tell he wanted to say a lot more but didn’t know how or couldn’t find the right words to express himself. But I felt like I knew all his untold words. I could feel it.
I didn’t know what to say. I was so surprised when he gave me this bracelet. I tried to stop my tears, but they were coming out so quickly and uncontrollably. “Don’t cry, baby girl. It’s just a simple gesture of love.” He took his time wiping away the tears from my eyes, then he pulled me tightly in his arms and kissed me on my forehead before resting his chin on top of my head. We walked together happily back to our rooms with this beautiful treasure hanging from my wrist, and like this, we started our journey. Later he gifted me I love you necklace that always reminds me of his love for me.
I put the bracelet on my left wrist. It is a symbol of our love and memories, a witness of that lovely morning. After some while, I gifted him the same one from that collection paired with mine from We had been carrying these two for many years together.
Not only is it my favorite because he gifted it to me, but also it is beautiful. It is a reflection of his love for me. There is a meaning of the bracelet pattern that he made me understand later. And I loved the story behind it. The bracelet is silver plated, and it has a sunflower pattern. He told me, “I want be your sun and you are my sunflower. Every time when I’ll appear I want to make you bloom with joy.” How romantic! Isn’t it? Yes! He is my sun! I feel joy when he is around. Afterward, when I gifted him the paired one, and guess what? It had a pattern of the sun.
This bracelet is very important for me because it gives me strength while I feel tired of life. When I feel low and see the bracelet, I feel like someone truly loves me, and he is there for me always. It makes me feel confident and strong than ever before because its importance cannot be paid off by money or any other thing in the world! And I know it is because of him that I am who I am today. Whenever things get tough, and life feels overwhelming, just looking at this bracelet makes me feel stronger. It compels me to go on, for him, his love. This bracelet never let me feel lackluster because when I see it, it makes me smile.
Now we have been happily married for 3 years. We have a baby girl. The man I loved is mine now. He kept his promise to love me more than yesterday. Every morning when I open my eyes, I see him. The Sunshine of my life. I feel fulfilled. The bracelet reminds me of all the years, all the struggles, all the joys, and tears overall the entire way we have passed till today. The bracelet makes me realize God has given his best child to me as a present who loves me beyond imagination. Maybe I have a 2crt diamond ring on my ring finger, but the bracelet is more precious than it because it is priceless!