The Key To Writing An Engaging About Us Page That Can Boost Conversions Through Your Website.

The About Us page is arguably one of the most underrated (and indeed under-utilised) pages on a modern website. While many businesses absolutely crush it, far too many fail to recognise the real value in mastering their About Us. In this article, we’re going to highlight the benefits of a well-written About Us and how you can create one of your own that is bound for higher conversion rates.
What’s so special about the About Us page?
If you head to a typical website and click on their About Us page the likelihood is that you will find a rather boring and generic page with the same old waffle about “being a family” and “taking great pride” in being generally awesome.
However, when you come across a truly well-written About Us it can be game changing…
So, what’s it all about?
While the main purpose of an About Us is indeed to give your website visitors a little more insight into your brand and business, your team, and your origins; it’s also another opportunity to convert your visitors into loyal, paying customers.
If you want yours to serve a purpose rather than just take up space on your navigation bar, read on for some handy tips!
1. Start by setting the scene
Treat your About Us like the opening scene of a movie. The aim is to introduce the main characters / the setting and talk about “the way things were” for you, your audience, or your industry before you came along.
Magic Spoon, a healthy cereal brand, does this wonderfully by tapping into their readers’ nostalgic memories of eating cereal as a child…before becoming an adult and invariably worrying about all of the sugar and rubbish ingredients that made them so delicious.
The solution? Delicious cereal that isn’t packed full of unhealthy ingredients!
2. Next you need to introduce the problem
Following that you need to introduce the problem. What was it that inspired you to start your business? What are the biggest problems that your audience faces?
For example, a Las Vegas SEO company could highlight the number of con-artists there are out there and all the misinformation that makes it difficult for small business owners to get ahead with their online marketing.
3. Your mission
Following that, once the problem has been established, you need to continue the story and essentially “embark on an adventure” with your audience.
Talk about how you rose to the challenge and set out to find the solution to the problem that so many of your ideal customers face (and indeed the hurdles that you encountered along the way).
4. Come to the solution
You’ve set the scene, you’ve established the problem, and you’ve embarked on an adventure…now it’s time to arrive at the solution!
Share details with your audience about how you are actively changing the industry. What is the solution that your brand provides and how did you arrive at it?
5. What comes next?
Finally, you want to address what comes after. Your readers can clearly see that you understand the problem and have a solution for them, but what can they expect from your brand over the coming months and years?
The key to building a loyal audience is to demonstrate that you share the same values with them – and that in sticking around with you, they’ll remain at the forefront.
Final thoughts
And that about sums it up! Rather than write the same boring fluff, instead focus on taking your readers on an adventure so that they can really get to know your brand and what you guys are all about.
This can help boost conversions significantly – largely because the modern consumer is very conscious about the brands that they invest their time and money in. People want to know that they are spending their money with conscientious people who are actively trying to make the world a better place.