The Law Cafe Review DoramasMp4
The Law Cafe
If you think The Law Cafe had a lot of fun in its first episodes, stay tuned for this week’s episode. Our supposed romance show said, “Hold my soju,” and swung at us with more gags and a surprisingly dark twist. The person behind our evil corporation is even nastier than we thought and issues a dire warning to our lead lady. Enjoy it free on doramasmp4.
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The other week I was comparing The Law Cafe to the love child of My Beloved summer and Vincenzo, and the first two episodes made me wonder if this rom-com modelled itself on inspiration from the former more than the former. But, as the story grows out of its early days and enters the awkward prepubescent period, I’m beginning to see an increased resemblance to Vincenzo. Our villain isn’t so sly and unthreatening as I initially was convinced, and Yuri’s latest case examines a heart-breaking instance of kid abuse. (So you’ve been warned.)
Note: Watch the Law Cafe with Spanish subtitles free at
Before diving deep into the details of our drama’s transition towards the darker (themed) side and picking up from the place, we leave with Yuri being a little funny after watching Jung-ho wrestle Suk-Joon from the top of his building. Her heart is racing. However, her long history of panic attacks — that we discover (through flashbacks) — that Yuri has suffered from since her father’s death. She is assured that she’s not experiencing anything else.
But she’s unable to recognize the symptoms as they are an increasing fascination with Jung-ho.
Her denial and inability to comprehend her feelings are an ongoing joke during the month, while her disorientation is further exacerbated by Jung-ho’s erratic extreme cold, and hot behaviour, which is a direct quote of the words in the lyrics of a Katy Perry song. At one point, he’s offering assistance in her fight against Dohan Construction on behalf of tenants in the building, and at the same time, he dismisses her case as a lose-lose battle that will only delay her clients’ suffering and pain. Then he makes another 180-degree spin and can remind Yuri of her law-related cafe’s initial, original purpose of solving her clients’ problems before ever reaching an attorney’s office.
Clients of Yuri’s aren’t keen on binding themselves to the vast lousy company. They want to be free from the aural snarl created by their construction’s poor quality. The quickest method of obtaining compensation is to force Dohan Construction to settle quickly and quietly in a quiet manner in a non-judiciary setting. To achieve that, Jung-ho says they must explore the possibilities outside their box. The strategy Jung-ho has come up with is creative and toe-tappingly enticing.
Inspiring by Suk-Joon’s previous stint as a professional guitar player, Jung-ho enlists his brother PARK Woo-Jin ( Kim Nam-hee), and Yuri’s brand new employees BAE JOON ( Kim Do-hoon) and SEO EUN-KANG ( Ahn Dong-goo) and Suk-Joon be part of an ensemble. Interestingly, they don’t practice in the same space. Instead, they are located in their apartment while they perform; their ability to communicate with each other and remain in tune is a measure of the sound quality and the soundproofing of the complex.
The group recorded their bizarre concert and uploaded the footage to the web, with comments that clarified that they had conducted the same tests in various structures built by various companies. Thus far, their results have proven that the apartments constructed with the help of Dohan Construction created the most polluting noise. The video concludes by gently leading viewers to think as they draw their own, however apparent, conclusions.
The video puts Pyun-woong in an exuberant tizzy, achieving precisely what the Law Cafe rock band wanted. Dohan Construction contacts Yuri, asking her to take down the video, which she does. Yuri, as well as a sharply dressed Jung-ho -who was laughing at everyone else’s reactions to seeing him dressed in a suit, takes a meeting with Dohan Construction’s attorneys. During their meeting, Yuri presents them with the terms for her suit. Sure, she’ll delete footage; however, she’d like compensation from her clients.
Dohan Construction (reluctantly) settles with Yuri and supplies those tenants — or those who were brave enough and decided to bring a suit with the funds needed to upgrade and soundproof their properties. Tenants who were afraid that a lawsuit could go to the public, causing their homes to decrease in value, but SOL and Yuri offered her a business card to ensure they could reach her should they need legal counsel for a specific problem.
Yuri, as well as Jung-ho, award their win to their friends from the same group and the flower boy employees of Yuri as Jin-ki performs his best Salt Bae impersonation at the grill while everyone is eating, drinking, and toasting their victory and is entirely unaffected by the creepy eye-rolling observer watching the pair. The first hint is that the story is about to turn darker, but for the moment, the fun continues as the group decides to play a game of telling the truth.
In this game of drinking, the drunk Yuri eventually decides to ask Jung-ho why he (fake) broke up with her at college. While Yuri continues to vent her grievances regarding their past relationship, Se-Yeon provides the non-initiated guests of their group a brief overview of details of Yuri as well as Jung-ho’s fake relationship in college; however, everyone is quiet after Yuri offers a vaguely sarcastic request to Jung-ho “Stop pretending you don’t like me!”
She promises to take care of him if she meets him -however, does she mean romantically? Everyone is waiting with anticipation… And then the moment is cut short when Se-Yeon gives birth -Wait, what?!
I was forced to go through the first two episodes to ensure I didn’t overlook something obvious. Still, a quick rewatch indicates that the scriptwriters were deliberately not open regarding Se-Yeon’s pregnancy. The signs were evident in the form of excessive eating, complaints about her discomfort, the way she was holding her stomach in the wedding picture on the table to the left, and the juice glass she sipped as everyone else enjoyed toast with wine. As funny as it was, in retrospect, it was an enormous missed chance for the writers to keep the fun going to the end of the story.
After saying goodbye to Jin-ki and Se-Yeon in The hospital, Yuri brings Jung-ho home and explains that her previous proposal was a business proposal. They get along well, and she is keen for Jung-ho to become a part of her law-related cafe antics. He is adamantly against the idea, however, firmly and swiftly rebuilding the wall that divides them and spackling the bricks one by one by using his charming wit.
Then things get dark for Beanies. Following the rejection of Jung-ho, Yuri finds the entrance to her cafe locked and unlocked, and the cafe is sacked. This isn’t the most shocking aspect of it. The cute neighbour dog was killed -as a stern warning from Pyung-woong.
Jung-ho tries to protect her from view. However, she’s already too late. She’s scared and stuck on the ground, so the police must pick her up and transport her to his home. Jung-ho is the Curmudgeon and is swiftly replaced by Jung-ho, the Protector. When Yuri is determined to return to her home the following day, they squabble before Joon Eun-Kang, Joon, and the rest of the neighbourhood about where she should be until the person responsible is found.
The ajummas cheer when Jung-ho suggests Yuri should be with him, but she protests at the insanity of the suggestion. Jung-ho responds by saying that they’re family members -similar to siblings! And their bond is so close that they can share a bed. The last part is reportedly heard by Yuri’s mother ( Hwang Young-hee), And although she is a bit shocked initially, sheas the rest of the shippers in the neighbourhood are fine having them share the same bed if it meant Jung-ho would become her son-in-law.
Instead of having a son-in-law, Mom gets a new guest to stay at her house. The solution to Yuri’s situation is to let her stay with her mother and stepfather for a few days. I’m glad they decided to have Mom marry again after her father’s death. Even though Yuri says her relationship with her father is somewhat awkward, the peaceful glimpse of her family’s present life was an excellent foil for the next case Yuri was in, which featured a more troubled family.
A woman visits The law café to ask about legal options she could use against her neighbour. She alleges that he’s watching her family members and staring at her daughter inappropriately; however, after talking to the neighbor and contacting the police, Yuri discovers she has a history of child abuse. In addition, the woman has been neglecting their eldest daughter, YOON SO-AH ( Kim Tae-yeon), and punishing her by locking her up in the cupboard.
At night, Sarah has been taking a break in the law cafe and causing all the mysterious sounds Yuri hears. But unfortunately, Sarah’s mother has been arrested, and Soo-ah is still missing. She’s been missing since the dog was shot, and that was the night that Yuri mistakenly believed that Soo-ah was a ghost.
After Yuri realises that Soo’ah took her wallet and took the credit card she had, Yuri and Jung-ho are capable of locating Soo-ah’s last known place of residence, which is close to the residence that the family who was responsible for the sister and Soo-ah at the last time that their mom was detained. After a long night of searching the region for Soo-ah during heavy rain, Yuri and Jung-ho go to the coffee shop. They find starving Soo-ah, who has been stealing food from the refrigerator.
She’s incredibly cautious since her abuse experiences have taught her to fear punishment rather than care and understanding. So it is coaxing to get Yuri to assure her that she’s not angry about how she took her wallet. When Soo-ah finally dares to talk to her and confesses to her mother, she’d like to go to her home, as she’s worried the younger sibling will bear most of the punishment from their mother when she’s away -Ooof! Amid the feelings!
After reuniting the two sisters with their foster family members, Yuri is understandably emotional. As she watches Jung-ho’s footsteps towards her, she’s seized by the desire to hug him. She gives in to the urge, tries to catch him, and wraps his waist, but it’s not enough. She glances up and tells him she would like to hug him. She does.
He’s so shocked that he fails to shut his eyes. Finally, after she snatches her eyes away and expressly states that she isn’t interested in being”his “family,he regains his senses, and they begin their next kiss.
Woo wee! Things are going fast! I had to check for the number of episodes this drama is scheduled to air since I wasn’t expecting the relationship to develop this fast. I’m not a big fan of the show because my favourite moments have been in their arguments, and I’m not sure whether that chemistry will be maintained if they look at each other instead. But the reason for Jung-ho’s devious naiveté isn’t yet resolved, which means he may kiss and run and bring our attention back to the beginning of their wildly emotional rollercoaster.
In the end, though, the drama leaves me feeling as if I’ve encountered a furry event. My initial reaction is to go home, but I realise that so many unanswered questions make me desire to return and look at all the excitement.
Pyun-woong causes the drama’s chaos. As far as villains are concerned, I’m not sure about his character. I think a young actor should have played the character and the daddy issues that come with it. However, there’s something enthrallingly ingenuous about a character of forty years old whose evil persona is similar to a child who is taking out a horde of insects with a magnifying glass.
As for villains and heroes, There are several un-presented characters I’d want to hear more about moving forward. Naturally, Se-Yeon, as well as Jin-ki, represent two. However, with the birth of an infant, logic suggests that we’ll see less of them.
There is still the possibility of a future for Joon and Eun-Kang, particularly Eun-Kang. It’s not possible to keep on harping about his six-year prison, as well as not divulge the details of his life. I’m there with Joon and eager to learn all the juicy details about the mysterious barista who plays keyboards with a criminal history.