The Male Identity in the Modern Era: Where Is It Going?

The male identity is in a state of crisis.
As society makes progress and gender roles blur, today’s male has less of an idea of what it means to be a man. There are several messages that men receive, but without rites of passage and a clear set of standards, many men wind up confused about their place in the world.
This can have catastrophic consequences for society as a whole. Less than 40% of college graduates of men, while more than 70% of drug overdose deaths are men.
If you want to develop a strong identity as a real man, you have to create it for yourself. Here’s what you should know about the state of the male identity today, and how you can embrace your masculinity to the fullest.
Study and Practice Philosophy
Whether you’re blue collar or white collar, military or civilian, tall or short, and no matter your cultural background or socioeconomic level, it’s important for a man to have a philosophy.
This is the code that you navigate life with. Thankfully, you don’t have to create your philosophy from scratch, since many great men before you have left clues.
Study the philosophy of the stoics, learn about religions and spiritual systems, and read classic works of literature that inform your mind. Take the bits that work for you and mold it into your personal philosophy as a man.
Have Healthy Sexual Relationships
It’s also important that you own your sexuality as a man. Having a healthy sex life and identity prevents sexual guilt and ensures that you only have mutually beneficial sexual relationships.
Consider reading books like “The Way of the Superior Man” by David Deida, and “My Secret Garden” by Nancy Friday. Familiarize yourself with the Kama Sutra, Taoist sex practices, and other systems that can build a strong sexual foundation.
Study the best sex positions for men, work on your stamina, and make sure you’re taking care of your health so that you have plenty of blood flow and vitality.
Take Care of Your Health and Fitness
You don’t need to be a bodybuilder, but a man should always be mindful of his physical health and well-being. This gives you the energy to get through the day, fuels your testosterone, and helps you have a calm mind.
Dedicate yourself to hitting the gym and doing cardio at least five days per week, making sure that you also take time to rest and fuel your body with the nutrition that it needs.
This will help you show up every day feeling at your best, and will give you plenty of great years of life.
Embrace the Alpha Male Identity
When you embrace the male identity, you can develop a strong foundation that will carry you far in life. It helps you cut through the noise of society and cultivate your masculinity in a way that is real and authentic to you.
Start here and check out our other articles so that you can build a healthy and fulfilling life that you can be proud of.