
The Origins of Blackjack

One of the theories around the origins of Blackjack is that the game originated in Roman times, attributed to the fact that they already loved to gamble, and played a similar game with numbered, wooden blocks, instead of paper cards. 

Another widely believe concept is that Blackjack was created in French casinos, around the 1700s, under the name “Vingt-en-Un” – which roughly translates to “Twenty-One”. Inspiration can be traced back to a similar card game called Chemin de Fer, which was popular with the French Royal Court during King Louis XV’s reign. 

No matter where the game really began, there’s one thing for certain – the original is a far cry from the types of Blackjack that we now regularly enjoy at online casinos such as, where location is no longer a factor and all forms of the classic game are available from the click of a button. 

Read on to find out more.

Moving to America

From the game’s popularity in France, Blackjack soon found its way over to America, thanks to French colonists in the 18th century. Whilst Blackjack may not have developed, or really spread, across much of France in this time, the game did begin making waves in the US.

It all began in 1820, New Orleans, when legalised gambling halls began to open and the opportunity to play Blackjack was more available than ever before. However, the game was slightly different, with the dealer being the only “player” allowed to land a double. 

And, Blackjack wasn’t the only thing to migrate from France to America during this era. Eleanor Dumont was one of the first female dealers to hit the gambling scene, truly stepping into a “man’s world”. After travelling around the country and fighting her way onto the Blackjack tables, she eventually settled in Nevada City, California. It was here that she opened her very own gambling hall, which she named Vingt-et-Un, due to her love for the game at hand. Despite women not being readily accepted into the world of casino gaming, male players would still flock far and wide to play against Dumont, perhaps because of the novelty of having a female dealer, or simply because she provided a new challenge. 

Bigger payouts

In the 20th century, Vingt-et-Un finally made the transition into being known as Blackjack in all parts of the country. As the game became readily available across almost all gambling establishments in America, casinos realised that they needed a way to promote this new game. So, an offer was created, which involved an additional payout if a black Jack (Jack of Spades or Clubs) was dealt alongside an Ace of Spades. However, as the game became even more popular, this deal was revoked, as the house edge was coined and increased.

Let’s get digital 

Just like most things in the modern world, Blackjack is now readily available online. In 1994, the Free Trade and Processing Act was passed in Antigua. Under this new legislation, the first online casinos were able to form, including The Gaming Club and InterCasino. The latter is still active today, as well as paving the way for how we get our virtual casino fix today. 

Not only can you now play Blackjack online, but there’s also live gaming technology which allows you to get the full casino experience from the comfort of your own home, whilst still enjoying the fast-paced atmosphere that comes with playing at a brick-and-mortar location!

Gambling can be addictive, please play responsibly.
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Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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