
The Shoption Reviews Discord Beta Scam.

Discord Beta Scam outlines the scams and provides simple ways to avoid them.

Are you aware of the origins and purpose of scams? You may not be aware that scams can appear in normal text messages. Sometimes the scammers disguise themselves as software updates through normal text messaging apps.

Discord, an emerging instant messaging app, is based in the United States. However, many people have been scammed and their accounts hacked recently. This article will examine one such Discord beta Scam.

The Scam

Discord is an instant messaging app that allows people to chat via text, audio, and video. Discord regularly updates its versions, such as alpha, beta and so on. Every version will include some new features. The Discord beta version now includes a “profile customization” option. This feature allows users to customize their profile and receive a beta tag.

The beta tag was a big hit, and people began to search for shortcuts. Hackers made good use of this opportunity by spreading hacking codes to ask people to download them to obtain a beta tag. This was the main focus of the beta scams.

Discord Beta Scam.

Scammers provide obfuscated code, which means the hackers make it extremely difficult to understand the codes so people simply download the file to their consoles to update. These fabricated codes can be used to hack accounts but they are not visible by the public.

These scam codes will be connected to hackers’ websites, where they will steal personal data and hack into the profile. This scam has been ongoing since May 2021. Surprisingly, Discord didn’t take any action against hackers.

Hack codes

Many Discord beta scam are popular on the internet. This spotlight on the problem helps to prevent many scams. These scams are mainly caused by obfuscated code. The hackers begin their scam work once the codes are downloaded and run on consoles. The hackers used words like “login”, username”, token, etc. to de-obfuscate the codes.

They even want to steal your personal information. To steal money, the scammers send random messages. Similar token scams as well as nitro scams are in circulation.

How to stop it

These steps will prevent Discord beta Scam

  • Report any suspicious active communities that promote beta tags or customization. They might take action to remove these community groups.
  • You must change your password and login details if you have received obfuscated codes.


There are many scams associated with Discord’s messaging app. These include illicit takeaway gifts and sharing malicious links, crypto asset scams, fake non-fungible tokens, fake nitro scams and phoney collaboration. This doesn’t necessarily mean Discord isn’t safe, but it does suggest that people need to be more vigilant about Discord beta scam and other scams. The internet is as vast as the Marina Trench. People must be more responsible. To avoid discord, please support

Is this an eye-opener for you? Please share your thoughts on online scams with us in the comments section.

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