
The ultimate guide to conducting the backlink analysis

The building of the link is considered an invaluable part of SEO. It is known as the top-ranking factor of the search engine that you look to determine the ranking. When you are planning to develop a new link-building strategy and update the current strategy, then the backlinks checkeris the important point that you must look at where you are currently positioned. This is the reason why the backlink strategy comes towards us.

In this article, we will cover the backlink analysis tools by Ninjaseo that are needed to conduct your online website.

A way to do the backlink analysis

In this section, you will find ways to help you conduct the backlink analysis. If you want to conduct the backlink analysis with the help of Ninjaseo, then you must read all the following points and get the information on it.

  • Selection of sites that you want to determine

It is an important step while analysis of your website with the backlink that you will want to go down to the competitor sites before doing any review. It is suggested to pick the websites that provide the services and products under your target keyword tool.

  • Choose the auditing tools

There are various backlink checker tools that range in capabilities and price. You may also use the section of the application with the SEO tools. In this, you have to conduct the manual backlink audit, and it is more likely to use the backlink tool more efficiently if you already have access to the key features for which you are looking.

  • Get a quick overview

Once you choose the auditing tools, it is time to do the analysis. Place the domain name into the search box and see the results. Here a huge of data appears in front of you. To get a fast idea of the performance of the site, then you must focus on metrics such as the number of backlinks, referral domain, and high-ranked linking page.

  • Determine the details

Here you have to start by looking at the anchor texts in which the words are used for the website’s hyperlink. It is a good way to determine the spammy backlinks that can impact the ranking using keyword tools.

  • Look at what your competitor performs

As you dive more into the domain of your competitor, then you can easily compare the findings of your competitors. In this, it is suggested to look for the referral domain of your website that reaches the top ranking on Google.


In this article, you will get information on the ways in which you can easily do the backlink checker analysis. Read all the above points if you need to conduct the backlink analysis.

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James Morkel

Tech website author with a passion for all things technology. Expert in various tech domains, including software, gadgets, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Dedicated to simplifying complex topics and providing informative and engaging content to readers. Stay updated with the latest tech trends and industry news through their insightful articles.

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