Things To Do After a Traffic Collision

After a car crash, things can be overwhelming. Of course, most people panic. Consequently, they make serious mistakes. That’s why you should be very careful after a car crash. Simple mistakes can have your case defeated. Here is how you should conduct yourself after a car accident.
After a car crash, things can get worse. From being injured to your car getting towed, there are a lot of activities that occur after an accident. The way you handle this situation is important. In particular, it’s important to understand the steps to take after the crash. Remember, there is a legal battle in store for you. Thus, don’t blow everything up immediately after the accident.
Dial 9-1-1, Call an Ambulance
The first person you should call is the police. Tasked with assessing the accident scene, the police will draft a police report. They will also collect important details at the scene of the accident. For instance, they will track down witnesses. Still more, police will take mandatory information like insurance policies from the parties involved. They will also question both parties.
Be Careful with What You Say
Be mindful of your words. Stick to the facts. What you say after an accident can be used against you. Your words can either make or break your personal injury case. So, be sure to stay calm. Prepare yourself to answer any questions in a tactful way. Don’t argue with the police or bystanders.
Don’t speak directly to the at-fault party’s insurance company. They can use the information you provide to deny you justice or place blame on you for the accident. At this point, you should only speak to your lawyer. Remember, a slip of your tongue could easily prevent you from getting compensation.
Exchange Insurance, Driving License Details
Exchange important documentation with the other driver. Don’t wait until the police arrive before exchanging your driving license and insurance documents with the at-fault party.
Some of the details you should exchange include your name, your current address, and your vehicle registration number. Once you’ve exchanged this information, go ahead and take pictures of the other driver’s license and insurance report. If possible, try checking their insurance coverage amounts as well.
Gather Evidence
Take pictures of the accident scene. If you’re in a stable condition, try taking videos of the accident’s entire vicinity. Take snapshots of the location where the car crash occurred. Don’t forget to photograph the damages caused to both cars. Photograph debris patterns, license plates, skid marks, and street signs.
If possible, take photos of the witnesses. Document their names, as well as, contact information. In case they flee the scene, this information can be used to trace them. Sometimes drunk drivers will try to run away from accident scenes. Thus, be sure to exchange mandatory proof as soon as you can. This will make it easier for you to file a successful personal injury claim.
Don’t Post On Social Media
Avoid posting incriminating statements on social media. Don’t post pictures of the accident scene or property damage. The defendant’s insurance company might use this information to deny you justice. They might claim that the accident was just a minor whiplash.
Insurance adjusters can exploit the information you post online to gain leverage in settlement negotiations. Once they realize that you have made postings on Facebook or Instagram, they’ll immediately collect a dossier from your social media accounts to see if you’re exaggerating your injuries. Consequently, they might utilize this information to convince your attorney to withdraw from the seemingly fraudulent case.
Remember, anything you post on social media shall be used against you. Insurance adjusters won’t hesitate to utilize information from your social media accounts to deny you compensation. They’ll try everything they can to discredit your claim and reduce your case value as much as they can. As such, you should try keeping your life as private as possible. Don’t make your life to be on public display. Stay away from social media until your case is fully resolved. This won’t just increase your chances of winning the case but it’ll also go a long way in helping you obtain maximum compensation for your damages.
Speak to Your Attorney
Contact a truck accident lawyer in Wheeling. Don’t issue a recorded statement without consulting with your personal injury attorney. The liability insurance adjuster might use this information against you. Insurance companies will always strive to minimize your settlement amount as much as possible. So, be careful not to sabotage your case.
Working with a legal expert can be extremely helpful. An experienced personal injury attorney will provide you with professional legal advice, hence relieving unnecessary tensions. A lawyer will also help in protecting your rights and enlightening you about the statute of limitations. However, it’s important to note that not all lawyers are the same. So, be sure to look for a qualified attorney who’ll offer professional representation at an affordable cost.
Act Swiftly
Act swiftly. Call 911 immediately. But before doing so, pull over to a safe position. Park your car out of the traffic lanes and call the emergency helpline. Don’t forget to turn on your vehicle’s emergency flashers. Even if you aren’t severely hurt, don’t try moving any of the injured persons. This could easily result in more severe injuries. To minimize the risk of fire, consider turning off the ignition switches on both vehicles.
Stay Calm
If you panic at the accident scene, you might cause another accident. So, try being calm. Don’t overreact by making a sudden exit. This can be extremely dangerous. At this point, you really need to stay calm. Otherwise, you might end up causing another crash.
Stay focused. Be mindful of what’s ahead of you. Don’t be distracted by what’s going on around you. Don’t rubberneck. This won’t just slow you down but it’ll also increase your risk for hazardous incidents. Paying attention to the accident scene can make you miss the brake lights ahead. Be watchful of road signs, detours, as well as, traffic patterns.
Choosing The Right Attorney
The internet is filled with several lawyers. Getting the right lawyer can be a nightmare. Plus, if you are looking for a lawyer for the first time, things can be challenging. However, that shouldn’t mean choosing an attorney for your personal injury case. Select the right lawyer. Choose an experienced lawyer. Go for a lawyer you can trust. Hire a compassionate lawyer. Here are key qualities you should look for in a lawyer:
Success Rate
The success rate is an important aspect you should consider when looking for a personal injury lawyer. Thus, look at the number of personal injury cases that lawyer has handled in the past. Was his/her success rate impressive? Choose a lawyer who can bring results. A lawyer with a high success rate will automatically boost your odds of winning a personal injury case.
How many cases has that lawyer handled in the past few years? Does he/she have experience in dealing with personal injury cases? Of course, you can hire new graduates. However, these cases can be complex. Generally, they require an experienced mind. The best thing to do is to hire an experienced attorney. He/she knows how to deal with those difficult judges. He/she doesn’t fear engaging with insurance companies. An experienced lawyer knows how to handle court matters. Thus, if you are serious about your case, think about bringing in an experienced lawyer.
Personal injuries can be exasperating. They can be painful. That’s why you should hire a compassionate lawyer. The lawyer should sympathize with your injuries. This will make him/her focus on delivering justice.
Hire a lawyer you can trust. Trust your guts. The first meeting will help you choose a trustworthy lawyer. Remember, you will be giving that lawyer most of your personal details. Don’t choose a lawyer who will sell off your details to third parties.
Financial Resources
Personal injury cases can take time. They are draining. They can take huge sums of money. As a victim, you should be left to heal. You don’t have to focus on raising the fees to track your case. That’s where a lawyer with huge financial resources comes in. A well-equipped lawyer will meet the cost of the case, giving you humble time to recover.
Critical Thinker
As stated before, personal injury cases can be detailed, complex, and challenging. It takes critical thinking to reveal important winning details. Thus, a good critical thinker will bring more results. Choose a lawyer who can catch the curveball of the other lawyer. In most cases, your lawyer will borrow ideas from previous cases and bring this experience to your current case. He/she will draw analogies when solving complex aspects in your case.
Good Listener
Listening skills are important when it comes to litigating cases in court. A good listener will get all the details right before making a final decision. He/she should listen attentively. A good lawyer should ask important questions about your case. He/she should seek clarification regarding the circumstances of the accident. Plus, good listening skills will help the lawyer to respond to questions from the judge.
Courageous Communicator
In court, things can be intense. Litigating your case can heat up. It takes a fearless communicator to litigate your case. Thus, choose a lawyer who can vigorously litigate your case in court. He/she shouldn’t be intimidated. Choose a lawyer who is willing to take on the opposing lawyer. He should exude a high level of confidence. A good lawyer must have all the facts right. He/she should first gather the evidence before going to court.
Strong Analytical Skills
Your lawyer will have to go through all the details regarding your case. Thus, he/she will need strong analytical skills. Choose a lawyer who is willing to think analytically. He/she should dig into the finer details of your case.
Top Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Personal Injury Claims
Don’t let simple mistakes deny you the right to receive the right compensation. Remember, your insurance company is looking for every opportunity to deny your claims. Thus, if you want the best from your case, get the steps right. Gather all evidence. Don’t admit liability. Never say sorry. The following mistakes can mess up your personal injury case. Thus, avoid them.
Thinking That A Lawyer Is Too Expensive For You
Nowadays, lawyers are paid on a contingency basis. Thus, he/she will be paid after winning the case. The lawyer will take a percentage of your claims. Thus, thinking that a lawyer is too expensive for you is a mistake. Plus, these cases can be challenging. They can get more intense. That’s not all, court matters aren’t for everyone. Negotiating with your insurance company takes skills. To be on the safer side, hire an attorney.
Not Questioning Your Attorney
Not everything your lawyer tells you is right. You have the right to know the details of the case. Thus, don’t accept everything from your lawyer. Ask questions. Understand what’s happening. Know your rights.
Thinking That Your Case Must Go to Full Trial
Not all personal injury cases end up in court. Some of these cases are solved without going to court. Commonly referred as to an out-of-court settlement, this option gives both parties humble time to negotiate and reach an amicable solution. This option is cost-effective and stress-free.
Missing Deadlines
In law, there is something known as statutes of laminations. Defined as timelines regarding certain cases, these statutes of limitations are very strict. If you miss these deadlines, your case will be defeated. Thus, you should file your case in time. Waiting for too long can affect your case. Visit Jividen Law Offices and get a lawyer who will expedite your case.
The Bottom-Line
The outcome of your car accident claim is dependent on how you conduct yourself after a car crash. Thus, you should avoid making simple mistakes. For instance, admitting responsibility will hurt your case. Still more, not collecting enough evidence will weaken your case. The above guide will help you build a strong personal injury case.