
This Inventor will give a Session at NVIDIA GTC for a Groundbreaking 6G Session

In an era where innovation is the key to unlocking the future, staying abreast of technological advancements is not just beneficial; it’s essential. This year, NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC) presents an unparalleled opportunity to do just that, especially with the announcement of a must-attend session: “6G Integrated Sensing and Communications: One for All and All for One” (Session ID S62259), where NVIDIA hosts Ahmad Bazzi, an inventor and researcher at New York University Abu Dhabi. Here’s why you shouldn’t let this chance slip by.

Imagine a world where communication technologies are so advanced that they seamlessly integrate with our daily lives, enhancing connectivity, data exchange, and sensing capabilities beyond what we currently deem possible. That’s the promise of 6G, the next-generation wireless technology set to redefine the boundaries of digital communication. The upcoming session at NVIDIA GTC, led by an expert in the field, will dive deep into the essence of 6G and its transformative potential.

Whether you’re a fervent tech-enthusiast eager to glimpse the future or an industry professional aiming to stay ahead of the curve, this talk is tailored for you. It’s not just about understanding the technicalities of 6G Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) but grasping the monumental impact it will have on telecommunications, IoT, autonomous systems, and beyond.

Through compelling simulations powered by NVIDIA GPUs, attendees will witness firsthand the capabilities of 6G ISAC. It’s an opportunity to see the practical application of theory, illustrating not just the “what” but the “why” behind this emerging technology.

The session will not shy away from the hurdles facing the implementation of 6G. Instead, it will offer a candid exploration of current challenges and the innovative solutions being developed to overcome them. This includes insights into the latest advancements that are paving the way for a seamless transition to 6G technology. Designed with a general audience in mind, the session promises to be as enlightening as it is engaging. Whether you’re deeply entrenched in the tech world or simply curious about the future of communication, there’s valuable knowledge to be gained.

By securing your spot at this NVIDIA GTC session, you’re not just signing up for a lecture. You’re stepping into a community of forward-thinkers and innovators. Plus, attendees will have the chance to enter a draw for one of five RTX 4090 GPUs, courtesy of NVIDIA’s hardware raffle. It’s a bonus that makes attending the session all the more appealing.

Don’t miss out on this journey to the cutting edge of technology. The “6G Integrated Sensing and Communications: One for All and All for One” session at NVIDIA GTC is more than just a presentation; it’s a beacon for those looking to understand and leverage the potential of next-generation wireless technology. Your presence will not only enrich the experience but also place you at the forefront of the technological revolution. Secure your seat today and be part of shaping the future.

About Ahmad Bazzi

Ahmad Bazzi was born in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on the 3rd of October 1991. He received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, in 2017, and his MSc degree (summa cum laude) in wireless communication systems (SAR) from Centrale Supelec, in 2014. He is currently a researcher with New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi, and NYU WIRELESS, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, contributing to integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). Before that, he was the Algorithm and Signal Processing Team Leader at CEVA-DSP, Sophia Antipolis, leading the work on Wi-Fi (802.11ax) and Bluetooth high-performant PHY modems, OFDMA MAC schedulers, and RF-related issues. He is an inventor with several patents involving intellectual property of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth products, all of which have been implemented and sold to key clients. Since 2018, he has been publishing lectures on the YouTube platform under his name ”Ahmad Bazzi”, where his channel contains mathematical, algorithmic, and programming topics, with 285,000 subscribers and more than 17 million views, as of January 2024. He was awarded a CIFRE Scholarship from the Association Nationale Recherche Technologies (ANRT) France, in 2014, in collaboration with RivieraWaves (now CEVA-DSP). He was nominated for the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2016. He received the Silver Plate Creator Award from YouTube, in 2022, for his 100,000 subscriber milestone. He was awarded an exemplary reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Communications in 2022 and an exemplary reviewer for the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters in 2022. He served as a TPC member and a reviewer for many leading international conferences. He was selected amongst the top 200 Arab creators for 2023.

About New York University

Founded in 1831, NYU is one of the world’s foremost research universities and is a member of the Selective Association of American Universities. NYU has degree-granting university campuses in New York, Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai; has 11 other global academic sites, including London, Paris, Florence, Tel Aviv, Buenos Aires, and Accra; and both sends more students to study abroad and educates more international students than any other US college or university. Through its numerous schools and colleges, NYU is a leader in conducting research and providing education in the arts and sciences, law, medicine, business, dentistry, education, nursing, the cinematic and performing arts, music and studio arts, public administration, social work, and professional studies, among other areas.


Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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