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Tips on How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Show Your Best Side

Your LinkedIn profile photo is one of the first things that potential employers and clients will see when they visit your profile, so it’s important to make a good impression. A professional-looking photograph can go a long way in helping you stand out and convey a sense of competence and credibility. 

So, if you are looking for inspiration when taking your LinkedIn profile picture, read on.

Use a High-Quality Photo

The first step to a professional-looking LinkedIn photo is to use a high-quality image. You want your photo to be sharp and clear, with good lighting and no pixelation or blurring. Avoid using photos that are blurry or grainy, or that have been stretched or compressed. So, many people opt to hire a Chicago corporate photographer to take their best photo to place on their LinkedIn profile page. 

Dress Appropriately

Your LinkedIn photo should be professional and appropriate for the industry you work in. Dress in a way that is consistent with the dress code of your profession. If you work in a more formal industry, such as law or finance, wear a suit or other professional attire. If you work in a more casual industry, such as tech or creative fields, you can dress more casually, but still look put-together and presentable.

Always avoid having your photo taken in clothes that are stained, torn or damaged in some other way.

Pay Attention to Your Background

The background of your LinkedIn photo should be simple and uncluttered. Choose a neutral, solid-colored background, such as white or gray, that won’t distract from your face. Avoid busy or distracting backgrounds, such as cluttered offices or colorful patterns. Of course, if you are an artist who can be hired, it can be worth having a piece of your artwork in the background, but this is only applicable in this area of expertise.

Use Good Lighting

Lighting is key to a good LinkedIn photo. You want to be well-lit, with even lighting on your face. This is another advantage of hiring a professional photographer to take the picture, as they will usually take the photos in their studio, which will be lit in a way that highlights your best features, without emphasizing areas that you may feel self-conscious about. If you are taking the photo yourself, avoid harsh overhead lighting or bright backlighting that can create shadows or wash out your face. Instead, try to use natural lighting, such as standing near a window or taking your photo outside on a cloudy day. 

Smile and Look Approachable

Finally, your LinkedIn photo should convey a sense of approachability and friendliness. Smile and look directly at the camera, with your head and shoulders straight and relaxed. Avoid using a serious or stern expression, as this can come across as appearing moody or harsh. Also, when it comes to airbrushing, it can be worth having your photo professionally edited, to avoid making it look too airbrushed or fake. If you are wanting to edit parts of your appearance, aim for a subtle change, or you may be unrecognizable.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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