
Troy Nathan Fairley Who is Troy Nathan?

This article will discussTroy Nathan FairleyThis is the reason he was removed from the Mississippi Rising coalition.

Do you want to know more about troy Nathan and his background? Read this article to learn more about troy Nathan’s early life and the American history that he holds.

Troy Nathan Fairley was featured in many news headlines several years ago. Unfortunately, he was also charged with a felony as a member the Mississippi Rising coalition. We will briefly discuss this in the article.

Who is Troy Nathan?

He was a member in good standing of the Mississippi Rising Coalition and was charged with felony. He was sentenced to 22-months in prison. We will also discuss the specific reason for Troy Nathan Fairley imprisonment in this article. Let’s now read about the Mississippi rising coalition board.

Information about the Mississippi Rising Coalition Board

It is a non-profit and non-partisan organization that promotes grass pools in south Mississippi. It is made up of residents, allies, and affinity organizations who support and promote a common vision.

This organization’s goal is to assist the state of Mississippi. It is designed to lift it from the bottom and make it top in quality of life. They empower the people and communities through education, community organization, and defense and advocacy in human rights.

Why was Troy Nathan Fairley removed?

On charges of felony, he was removed from his position as a member of the Mississippi Rising Coalition Board. Troy was detained earlier in 2018, and was held for several months in prison for forgeries.

Troy is alleged to have committed a number of forgeries and other crimes that he didn’t tell the board. Further, the board learned about troy’s background and removed him from the Mississippi Rising coalition.

Troy Nathan Fairley is facing several other charges, besides the one of forgery. He was also arrested in 2104 and released in 2016. Some people believe that troy is not a victim to these charges but he was convicted of the felony charges.


Here in this article, we will briefly read about a member of the board of Mississippi rising coalition, and several more crucial pieces of information related to the member Troy Nathan Fairley. We’ve discussed all information about him as well as the reasons for his departure from the board.

Are you interested in learning more about troy Do you want to know more about troy? Please let us know by commenting below.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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