
Turnkey cottage cleaning

Some people constantly live in cottages, others come to them to rest on weekends, and still others rent for various holidays and events. Regardless of the purpose of using the house, there is one common and very important factor – cleaning.

The larger the area of the cottage and the more complex the design, the more difficult it is to cope with cleaning. Sometimes there is simply no time, energy or opportunity for this. – is a professional house cleaning service that will come to the rescue. It can be supportive, general, after repair. It`s here:

Advantages of professional cleaning of the cottage

Turning to cleaning services, the owner of the cottage receives a lot of advantages:

  • saving time and effort;
  • high-quality cleaning even in hard-to-reach and heavily polluted places;
  • no need to buy yourself means and tools for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces;
  • use of safe, but high-quality means, professional equipment;
  • quality assurance – this point is spelled out in the contract;
  • preservation of property;
  • extensive range of services;
  • individual approach.

What does cottage cleaning include?

The complex of works is individual. Usually it includes dust removal, wet cleaning, mechanical cleaning of various surfaces and garbage removal.

Features of cleaning the cottage are associated with different types of premises. In ordinary rooms produce:

  1. Dust removal. Cleaning affects ceilings, walls, chandeliers and lamps, interior items, cornices and curtains, door frames with all fittings, mezzanine, air conditioners. The work is done manually or with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle.
  2. Wet cleaning. Process cabinet furniture, floor coverings, skirting boards.
  3. Dry cleaning of carpets, upholstered furniture, mattresses.
  4. Treatment with special means – impregnation for wood, spray for audio, video and TV equipment, compositions for leather furniture, mirrors, glasses.
  5. Garbage removal.

The main feature of cleaning in bathrooms is disinfection. Together with washing and cleaning, it is applied to the following objects:

  • walls;
  • gender;
  • plumbing.

Cleaning in the bathrooms includes the elimination of dust and washing of ceilings, including stretch 

ones, lamps.Cleaning in the kitchen – a whole range of works:

  • cleaning of walls, ceilings, kitchen furniture and appliances;
  • washing of hard-to-reach and heavily polluted areas – pipes, radiators, hood, ventilation grilles;
  • wet cleaning with disinfection of the garbage compartment;
  • cleaning and disinfection of plumbing.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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