
Viktor Bout Merchant Death Net worth of Viktor Bout

Are you curious to find out more about Viktor Bout Would you like to learn more about Viktor Bout’s death? Read the whole article if so. Many people in the United States as well as the Canada want to learn more about Viktor Bout, his death, and how they can help.

Read this article to get more information about Viktor Boat Merchant Death.

Victor Bout’s death

Online sources indicate that Victor Bout was a Soviet Union Military Officer. He was charged with conspiring to kill Americans and was sentenced for 25 years in prison. He was also found guilty of exporting weapons and supporting an organization that engaged in illegal activities. He is also known to be the merchant of Death.

He also went by the nickname Sanctions Buster. Bout was taken into custody in Thailand by Thai Police and American Authorities on the 6th of March 2008. Bout was denied release by many. People also want to find Viktor Bout Net worth 2022.

Net worth of Viktor Bout

Viktor Bout’s net worth is $50 million. According to an online source, he used the internet to smuggle weapons for billions. He smuggled weapons all over the world, from Eastern Europe to Africa and the Middle East. He was born on the 13th of January 1967.

After graduating at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages, he was a Russian military officer and served in the Soviet Armed Forces. In addition to Russian, he can also speak English, Persian and Arabic. Bout also had the opportunity to translate for the Soviet Army. Following the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991, Bout was later discharged.

Viktor Bout merchant death

Viktor Bout’s nickname is Merchant of Death. According to an online source, he earned that name because he was involved the arms trade and conspired for the murder of US citizens and officials. Between 1996 and 1998, he smuggled various types of weapons. Bout created an airline company for Tajikistan in 2004. He wanted to continue his money laundering activities by establishing the company. At the time, he supplied weapons to various groups based on Africa. He also supplied air weapons to Kenya in order to attack an Israeli airplane. Viktor Bout Nickname became the Merchant of Death because of all his activities.

Bout was charged with money laundering and his property was confiscated by executive order. Bout was convicted by the Bangkok Criminal Court. However, the US appeal overturned the judgment and Bout was expelled to the US. After Bout was extradited, the Russian government refused to allow Bout to be extradited.

All data has been sourced from the internet. We don’t intend to be a source of blame for anyone.


Viktor was sentenced 25 years for his participation in illegal activities as well as conspiracies that were against the US government. Viktor Boute Merchant Death became famous for all of his activities against the US government. He was supported by the Russian government, but it couldn’t help him.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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