What Does A Tree Inspection Involve?

If you are concerned about some of the trees on your property, you can expect quality tree inspections from eos Outdoor Services. Tree inspections (or tree risk assessments) are professional evaluations of trees performed by certified professionals (arborists) to identify any problems or dangers that may make them hazardous to you or your property.
Arborists will inspect your trees by observing their physical state and the soil condition to identify areas of concern you may have missed. They will use their knowledge, training, and experience to determine points of concern that an untrained eye may not have noticed. The inspection results and recommendations are presented in a tree evaluation report to the client.
When Do You Need A Tree Inspection?
You may require a free inspection if you notice any structural weakness in your trees, e.g., leaning trunks, overhanging branches, or decay on the bark and branches. Harsh weather like lightning, high winds, and heavy rain can also unexpectedly change your tree’s condition. At times, trees that go long without inspection suffer declining health like decaying or dying limbs because of unchecked infections. Usually, property owners seek tree inspections to understand the potential damage the tree could cause and whether it cannot be averted.
It is not advisable to wait until you have a glaring problem like a decaying section or large overhanging limbs to have your trees inspected. Ideally, you should always know how risky the trees on your property are to avoid losing trees that may have sentimental value or those that add unique beauty to your property. When you delay getting a tree inspection, you will likely spend more fixing any problems discovered because they have developed over time.
What Recommendations Do Arborists Offer?
The recommendations will depend on the health of your tree. Unfortunately, some trees develop infections that go unnoticed for years, and experts may recommend they be taken down to prevent them from falling over unexpectedly. Some branches, e.g., those overhanging a public sidewalk, or a neighbor’s property, are usually deemed too risky to keep. You can safely handle some tree problems using methods like pruning and mulching. In some instances, like when trees require cabling or bracing, you will have to hire trained professionals for the job.
Clients can request a quotation for the services recommended because most tree inspection companies also offer tree care services. Once your tree has undergone professional treatment like cabling and bracing, it is recommended to get it evaluated annually. Annual inspections are necessary to ensure that the tree is healing correctly and the repairs are holding up.
How Is Tree Inspection Performed?
Arborists perform tree inspections by performing a systematic evaluation that begins with the soil around your tree and the state of any vegetation growing around it. Next, the arborist inspects the root collar (area of the trunk where the tree comes out of the ground) for alarming signs like fungi, discoloration, trunk girdling, and any issues of structural concern. The arborist then inspects the entire trunk in the section to check for structural cracks, loose bark or hollow area that could indicate animals living in the tree.
After checking the trunk and root collar, the inspector looks at how the structural limbs are attached to the trunk. The branches inside the canopy are also inspected to ensure they are safe. Arborists are trained to notice concerns that property owners are not equipped to. Ensure you hire an ISA Certified Arborist for a guarantee that you will receive services from a highly qualified, well-trained, and experienced inspector.
How Much Does Tree Inspection Cost?
Tree inspections companies have different rates depending on the extent of the inspection. Some companies offer free inspections, usually casual inspections of the tree’s overall health. For between $100 and $250, you can get an inspection that will include a short report that details the findings and recommendations. These inspections are suitable for property owners who want to know where they stand.
A complete tree inspection and an official report will cost you $350 and $550. This inspection costs more because it is a professional risk assessment that an ISA Certified Arborist must perform. It is very time-consuming because the arborist writes a ten to a twenty-page report detailing all the findings and recommendations. Property owners can use this formal report to apply for a tree removal permit or submit applications for property development.
If you have not had your trees inspected this year, ensure you schedule an appointment as soon as possible.