
What Does It Take To Become a Baseball Team Mom?

Being a parent means having multiple roles at once, especially when dealing with sports like baseball. While it can be a joy to see your kids play, it can be frustrating at times. You’re not going to just sit and watch the game – there’s also a list of certain obligations you have to do.

Baseball is a demanding sport, and it requires patience and dedication, so if your kids love baseball, you have to love it too. They’re going to play their game more seriously, and you will have to catch up with them. You have to get ready for it, as it can become your second life.

The overall experience can be turbulent, but it can also be rewarding. Before attending your kids’ sports activities, there are certain things you would have to keep in mind – we will mention the responsibilities and obligations and help you determine if the role of baseball team mom is right for you.

You have to spend some money

When you start your baseball mom duty, be sure that you’re going to spend some cash. Equipment doesn’t come cheap – think about uniforms, cleats, bags, and a bat. Not to mention that the baseball team requires everyone to have their gear. In addition, your kids will always want more. 

If the team plans to go on tournaments, you’ll have to save a ton of money, as it will include travel costs (food, money, hotel, gas) and tournament fees. Some teams run a fundraising campaign, so look for that as well. If that isn’t the case, consider having another job to support the costs.

You have to change your schedule

Playing this parental role will affect your time. You will have to balance the time between your job, household, spare time, and your kid’s sports activities. It’s not an easy obligation by any means, but it can work if you plan it right.

Many baseball events start on the weekends and weekday evenings, and the game can last for more than two hours, and then there’s the time before and after the game as well. There might be a celebration party too. With all the things considered, you would have to redo your schedule.

You have to be on the same page with the coach

Every baseball team has one important person that leads – the coach. They will have their unique system, and you might not always get along. The coach will always have the best intentions for the team. At least, that’s what the good coaches do. 

You have to think about his situation too. He’s the one who also takes off his free time to dedicate to the team. He’s also battling against everyday obligations and pressures while trying to make everything right.

Even if the coach has a “bad” attitude, make sure you never interfere with them in front of the crowd. It can be an awkward situation and lead to negative consequences – you could embarrass your child and have trouble with other parents. If there’s a problem, speak with the coach in private.

You need to prepare your gear

You need to take care of yourself while attending the game. Don’t forget to take a bottle of cold water with you. It can be hot and dry outside, and you can get dehydrated. 

Since the game lasts long, you should take a comfortable chair to sit on. To protect your hair and sight from the sunlight, consider wearing a hat and sunglasses. For more efficient protection, look for the travel umbrella.

If you’re going across the country, you will have to bring a large bag. You’ll need it for more things like a portable charger, sunscreen, extra socks, sweatshirts, or wet wipes. In case of injury, you would have to bring a medical kit. There will be long travels, heat, and sweat, so don’t leave the house unprepared.

You need a sturdy car and patience

When you attend many games, you will use your car a lot – you will be at your steering wheel way longer than you think. Next to that, your kids will often use it as a changing room – they will leave a bit of mud and grass on your seats after the game, which is inevitable. 

That means you’ll have to clean your car frequently. Constant driving and cleaning can be exhausting, but it’s a part of the deal.

You need to encourage your child with optimism

Every baseball team will have its ups and downs throughout the game season. Not everyone can win, and that’s the point of the game. After losing a couple of games in a row, your child will feel frustrated and unmotivated. It’s important to cheer your kids up every once in a while, and praise their effort.

You will make new friends

While interacting with the team, you’ll make new friends along the way. You will meet like-minded people that share the same passion, and there’s nothing better than being in the same team on and off the field. You will create a new family and a hardly breakable bond.


While it can be frustrating and turbulent, being a part of your child’s team can be very exciting. It can come with a lot of pressure, demands, and responsibilities, but it’s worth it. As a parent, you want to give your kids all the opportunities you can and make them happy – you might even make new friends along the way. If you’re interested in becoming a baseball mom, prepare for the fun!

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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