
What Happened to Julian Newman Know All the Details Here!

Born on September 6, 2001, Julian Newman is an American basketball player who has garnered significant attention since his early years. Known for his time at Prodigy Prep in Orlando, Florida, Newman distinguished himself as a point guard, despite his smaller stature of 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m). His basketball prowess was evident from a young age, as demonstrated by viral YouTube videos of him playing varsity basketball for Downey Christian School in fifth grade.

Early Life and Rise to Fame

Julian’s Early Years in Basketball

Newman’s interest in basketball became evident at the tender age of three. His father, Jamie, recognized this passion and helped Julian harness it. He allowed him to play with regulation-size basketballs and participate in recreational leagues with older boys. Jamie implemented a rigorous training regimen that involved Julian making 100 free throws, 200 floaters, and 200 jump shots daily. Through this disciplined practice, Newman started developing his basketball abilities and honing his skills early on.

Recognition and Criticism

Newman’s skills did not go unnoticed. His highlight videos from his time at Downey Christian School were widely shared on YouTube, leading to him being dubbed a child prodigy. However, with recognition came criticism. Some critics questioned the attention he received and how he was marketed. Despite this, Newman’s talent and potential in the basketball world remained undeniable.

What Happened to Julian Newman?

Following his graduation from Prodigy Prep in 2020, Newman chose to forego college basketball and instead eyed a professional career overseas. This decision sparked speculation, with some critics suggesting that a lack of Division 1 (D1) offers might have prompted his move.

In response to these claims, Jamie Newman confirmed in an interview that Julian had received 15 D1 college offers, debunking the idea that a lack of interest from American universities influenced his decision. Instead, Julian sought to play in countries such as Germany, China, Italy, or Australia, or in the NBA’s developmental league, the G-League. His goal was to gain valuable experience and exposure to prepare for the NBA draft.

Where is Julian Newman Now?

The Path Post High School

Currently, Julian Newman continues to play basketball, albeit not at a professional level. After graduating from Prodigy Prep, his involvement in competitive basketball has lessened. He has been seen participating in exhibition games, such as those organized by BallIsLife.

The NBA Dream

Although Newman once harbored dreams of playing in the NBA, his current focus appears to have shifted. His smaller stature may have influenced this change in perspective, as height remains a significant determinant for success in American basketball.


Today, Julian Newman, at 21 years old, is actively involved in basketball. Journey of this once-considered child prodigy has seen both highs and lows. His hopes of playing NBA may not have come to pass yet, yet his passion for the sport remains undiminished – only time will reveal what awaits this dedicated and hardworking young person in their future endeavors.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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