
What inspired Batey Ascending?

Well, a lot of things, honestly. The Taino Indians are from my heritage and created a sport called Batey. The sport Batey has rules and are very simple: no hands and get the ball into the opponent’s ring. Back then, the ball was made of rubber and the ring on the ground. Oviedo’s description of the balls is reminiscent of rubber or some kind of resin with rubber-like qualities; in all sources, some kind of reference is made to the unfamiliar bounciness of the balls. But in the story, the ball is much more refined, metallic with some weight. In the sphere it is weightless, however. And it is an anti-gravity ball. It just floats in the air if untouched. Any body part is fair game, but most touches are on elbows, knees, and chest. Add five other opponents rushing to either block you, try to hit the ball to score or set up a play. And due to the popularity it’s a pretty popular sport, very similar to how basketball is now. The rings/goal to score is in the air held by a solid goalpost. One on each side of the sphere/field. This is the majority of where the story takes place, of course. This is the world that I created within the Batey series. Another inspiration, Alita Battle Angel. Watching that movie during covid. In a pandemic. It was really mind opening. To the possibilities that are capable of occurring if my mind is not stopped at all in my imagination.

Another inspiration: Harry Potter. Due to the Quidditch game. It’s kind of nuts to me. Researching more of my heritage and the sports that we used to participate in. Maybe three to four hundred years ago. Before we were wiped out, of course. I mean thinned down. Since technology is advancing at such a rapid pace. I thought it would only be appropriate instead of using jetpacks. Which are totally uncool and unpleasing. I decided to use jet shoes or jet boots in order to increase the maneuverability, of the driver of these boots. I

would compare it similar to how a controller for a video game system is versus a mouse on a PC. The capacity that one is able to bring forth like expert-level. Every character that has a name has been inspired by somebody close to me. Or just somebody that could be in my Gamer Clan on my Discord. Starting with Chilly. This character is based on my real life sister. And a lot of the events that happened in the next book were inspired by real events, so stay tuned for the next book. Batey Descending. Coming Sept 30, 2021. This was back when I was very young and very weak, and she could easily overpower me. Back when she was taller than me, she was about that fight life.

We also did martial arts together. We played a lot of video games, including, Club Penguin on Candystand. Which is where I created the Nico Pengin name by misspelling penguin accidentally. And Nico was an inspiration from a guy who taught me how to harness all of my energy. To put it to use in sports! And we played RuneScape, and we used to watch a lot of Naruto together.

Then we’ll go with the main antagonist of Fred RTG. He is my closest friend. I have known him for almost half of my life at this point. We got to know each other as freshmen in high school. We have been playing video games. Dissing each other, fighting each other and talking about it

the whole time. Now he’s my business partner in the Argue Bros podcast. And in Presenters for Hire. But in the story he represents the negativity and evil side of him that wants to fight me. We

ARE super competitive, so it just makes sense. I will release more information about more inspirations on the characters. With more blog posts. If and when asked about a specific character by special request.

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