
What is Kratom? Southeast Asia’s Undiscovered Gem

Over the past few years, natural substances have become more popular. Herbalists have used them for millennia, but mainstream consumers have only begun to notice them. One of the most well-known examples is kava, which was once used to alleviate anxiety and depression. But as of late, it’s gaining increasing recognition for its capacity to encourage relaxation. In the meantime, Kratom has become one of the most popular herbal painkillers.

What is Kratom?

Many herbal items are available in Southeast Asian nations like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand for therapeutic usage. One such thing isIndonesian Kratom,” which includes a chemical substance that may be found in the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa plant.

Sir William Brooke Ouseley made the initial discovery of Kratom in 1818 while exploring the jungles of Siam. The plant was used back then as a local stimulant and analgesic. 

As a result of its capacity to ease symptoms related to chronic pain, depression, anxiety, opioid withdrawal, and other conditions, Kratom is currently one of the most well-liked herbs in the world.

What Is the Use of Kratom?

In Southeast Asia, Kratom has been used for centuries. But recently, Americans have started using it more frequently. There are various varieties of Kratom that each have different effects. While some users claim to feel energised and concentrated, others claim to feel at ease.

The opioid receptors in the brain are indeed affected by Kratom. However, this does not imply that anybody with an opiate addiction should use it. Since there isn’t enough evidence to prove that it can replace opioids, medical practitioners have been cautioning against its use for a while. 

Furthermore, according to some professionals, Kratom may increase a person’s chance of becoming drug dependent.

How addictive is Kratom?

Southeast Asian societies have long used Kratom. Due to this herb’s calming properties, many Westerners have recently become interested in it. There haven’t been any overdose deaths, but there can be significant side effects. 

For instance, you might feel queasy, throw up, dizzy, or sleepy. Once the individual stops using Kratom, these symptoms ought to go away.

Because it is still viewed as an investigational novel medicine, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not authorised Kratom. The FDA claims that it has severe reservations about Kratom and that the agency has approved no uses for it. 

More research is needed to discover whether it is risk-free and whether it has any therapeutic potential. However, the FDA is aware that Kratom may have health advantages.

The government has also reported at least 44 deaths among Kratom users, even though many combined it with other medicines or Kratom contaminated with other substances. According to its website, when appropriately used, the FDA believes that Kratom poses few health hazards. 

Sadly, this does not imply that it can be eaten without risk. There are still several deaths attributed to herb usage. In addition, salmonella illnesses like those caused by contaminated Kratom batches have been linked.

The primary Kratom compounds, mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, partially activate the same brain receptors as drugs with known addictive properties, prompting some experts to worry about its potential for addiction even as research into Kratom’s use, effects, drug interactions, and therapeutic applications continues.

Research also suggests that Kratom’s ability to activate these receptors may reduce addiction risk. In addition, early research has also revealed that some people use Kratom to reduce opioid and amphetamine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. 

The HEAL (Helping End Addiction Long-Term) effort of the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Drug Abuse supports research to create novel drugs to treat chronic pain, opioid withdrawal, and other conditions.

The following five myths regarding Kratom are untrue

Kratom is a leafy plant indigenous to Southeast Asia. While many users report positive experiences, there have been severe addiction and fatal overdose cases. These deaths were caused by the combination of two substances found in Kratom: mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. To avoid these risks, we strongly advise against using this supplement.

Kratom carries no overdose danger

According to NIDA, Kratom use has been linked to several reports of fatalities. For example, the FDA reported about 44 deaths using Kratom in 2017, one of which contained pure Kratom. However, most of these Kratom-related fatalities were caused by using Kratom in combination with other substances such as alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines.

Many of these fatalities, according to NIDA, appear to have been caused by contaminated Kratom products. For instance, there have been claims that deaths resulted from the addition of dangerous substances to some Kratom products labelled as nutritional supplements. Furthermore, a 2018 Mayo Clinic investigation discovered that over a hundred people have been ill when salmonella germs found their way into Kratom products.

Kratom does not cause addiction

According to the Mayo Clinic, Kratom is frequently used for various purposes, including pain management, recreation, and drug detox from opioids or other narcotics. Even though its legality varies by jurisdiction, getting access to it is usually not too difficult. In truth, one of the main reasons so many people mistakenly believe the chemical to be safe or transdermal patches is its accessibility.

However, there is a significant chance of addiction to Kratom. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Kratom has similar effects to stimulants and opioids (NIDA). Two of Kratom’s most potent compounds, mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, interact with opioid receptors in the brain to produce pleasure, reduced pain, drowsiness, sociability, and exhilaration.

Kratom has no adverse effects because it is a supplement

When using Kratom, some people may experience tremors, agitation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and even psychosis. WebMD Connect to Care is informed by Kelly Johnson-Arbor, MD, Medical Toxicologist and Co-Medical Director at the National Capital Poison Centre. 

An unexpected side effect of Kratom consumption is increased skin pigmentation. In addition, there have been reports of addiction and withdrawal in Kratom users. The withdrawal effects of Kratom might cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and body aches.

Sometimes people believe that Kratom’s accessibility and legality vouch for its safety. However, just like with other unregulated items, just because something is accessible does not automatically guarantee it is safe.

In a drug-assisted program for opioid addiction, Kratom can be used without risk.

Many people don’t realize that Kratom is derived from the Mitragyna speciosa tree. Its leaves contain alkaloids known to produce powerful effects when ingested. However, unlike prescription pain relievers like OxyContin, Kratom doesn’t cause euphoria or sedation. 

It has energy, focus, motivation, and alertness. It does this by triggering the release of dopamine—a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure—and norepinephrine—a hormone that elevates mood. These two chemicals are often called the “feel good” hormones because they naturally boost our spirits. They also stimulate the brain’s reward centres, making us feel satisfied after taking Kratom.
While there have been no reports of deaths directly related to Kratom abuse, the American Kratom Association warns that this plant has previously led users down dangerous paths. Many people who use Kratom report experiencing unpleasant side effects like nausea and vomiting. Some people try Kratom because they believe it is safer than prescription painkillers.

James Morkel

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