
Which careers need the perfect vision?

For some professions, having a 20/20 vision is more of a requirement than an option. This requirement is created to make these jobs safer. Eye health experts at Feel Good Contacts (UK’s leading contact lens retailer) are here to take you through several jobs where perfect vision is essential. 

Vision standards are made for many occupations that specify distance, near vision, depth perception, and peripheral vision requirements. Careers like firefighters, pilots, and air traffic controllers require the best vision to serve safely and ensure others’ safety. 

Jobs that require 20/20 vision

People often use the words ‘vision’ and ‘eyesight’ interchangeably. However, eyesight refers to the ability to see things clearly. It is usually tested by an eye examination, whereas vision is the combination of eyesight with the ability of to process image neurologically.

People with good eyesight might not necessarily have a good vision. To have a good and more precise vision, both eyes have to work together. Regardless, it is important to have regular eye exams to maintain a good eye-health.

Hence, there is an absolute need for perfect vision in professions such as firefighters and army that involve higher safety and performance risks. The following lists the professions that require perfect vision:

1. Firefighters

Although firefighters are fully shielded, they still do need great vision. Hence, to utilise their weapons accurately, having an impeccable vision is even more important. 

2. Pilot and air traffic controllers

Pilots are responsible for the lives of their passengers. 

Air traffic controllers monitor the sky and manage the control desk to prevent disasters and prevent aircraft from colliding. Hence, high-quality vision is necessary for both aircraft professions.

3. Police 

Like pilots, firefighters, and surgeons, police officers need a good vision to respond to emergencies. A keen vision is a must to spot criminals. You will be pleased to know that in some cases, a profession in the police department allows you to wear glasses or contact lenses to correct vision impairment.

4. Army

The army force showcase some of the strictest standards of vision. Each branch of the army will have a different vision standard. For instance, army pilots have to reach the strictest vision requirements for flying helicopters. 

What is 20/20 vision?

A 20/20 or a 6/6 vision is considered to be ‘perfect’ eyesight., which means you can see things clearly. If you see your eye test results as 20/10 or 20/20, this is what it means:

  • The former 20 means the distance or how far in feet the person is standing from the eye chart to take the test. 
  • The latter number represents what you see compared to an average person when you stand at 20 feet.

What is considered as excellent vision?

Excellent vision can be defined as your ability to spot errors or things at the right time and act on them to get the best results.

However, perfect vision according to your desired career path will depend on the vision standards of different professions.


All these professions have strict vision standards to ensure the safety of oneself and people. Always check the government’s website thoroughly to check your eligibility regarding vision standards.

If your vision is affected just from refractive error such as astigmatism etc., you can opt for laser eye surgery or get contact lenses if permitted by your choice of field. Remember, these vision regulations differ for every profession. For instance, some jobs like ‘police’ roles might allow contact lenses, while others like ‘firefighter’ or ‘army’ might not allow it. Thus, going through the website and reading the norms very carefully is a must.

These standards are there for everyone’s safety. It’s not just about saving other people’s lives, but It’s also about keeping yourself safe.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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