
Why Choose uPVC Spray Painting for Your Commercial Renovation

As someone who is running a business or any other type of commercial enterprise, one thing you cannot afford to sleep on is first impressions, and since your business building is one of the first things people will notice, it becomes important that you always present the very best professional image. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that your building’s exterior (walls and roof) and uPVC units (doors, windows, soffits, radiators) don’t look aged and worn out.

So, if you’re looking to carry out renovations in an effort to boost the image of your commercial property, here are some of the top reasons why you should go for uPVC spray painting.

Cheaper Than Replacements

When it comes to upgrading and changing the appearance of uPVC or PVC, spray painting is just as effective as replacing it. Spray painting also offers the added benefit of being significantly cheaper than a replacement. In fact, with spray painting, you will be saving up to 75% of what you would have spent on a replacement. Spray painting is also far less messy since there is no demolition, installation or removal of old pieces (all of which could leave a mess). This means that the job can be completed quickly with minimal cleanup.

Speed and Efficiency

Commercial renovations usually involve the painting of surfaces that are pretty large (floors, doors, walls and ceilings). This can take up a lot of time with conventional painting methods. However, with uPVC spray painting,  large surface areas can be covered fairly quickly. When the painting is done by professional spray painters, the job can be completed even faster.

Less Downtime

As a  business owner, it is understandable that you would want to avoid as much downtime for your business as possible. The speed and efficiency of uPVC spray painting can ensure this. Because there is no building work necessary, the painting can be done at any time (day or night) and with minimal disruption to your business.

Long-Lasting Protection

uPVC spray painting does a lot more than transform the appearance of your commercial property. The specially formulated paints used for the spray painting can provide protection for the surface of your uPVC units for a very long time. When applied correctly, these paints will offer great resistance to UV damage, wear and tear, and the effects of the weather.

Variety of Colour Options

Another good reason to choose uPVC spray painting is the endless colour options available. With the variety of colours available, matching your uPVC units to the overall aesthetic scheme of your building will be much easier. There are also different types of finishes available, from matte to satin and gloss.

Best Quality Finish

When it comes to the quality of the final finish, nothing quite compares to spray painting. Spray painting offers a highly uniform coverage of surfaces which leaves a smooth and even finish (streak-free with no brush marks or strokes). Spray painting also offers great coverage for metal, fibreglass, and wooden surfaces.


At the end of the day, uPVC spray painting is an excellent choice for commercial renovations. It saves you time and money, offers long-lasting protection, and gives your business a new and fresh look. If you’ve decided to go for uPVC spray painting, do make sure to hire the services of professional spray painters, as they have the knowledge and experience to give you the best results.

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