Why the World Loves Monday.com Software

About Monday.com
Monday software is perhaps one of the most widely known project management software in this day and age. In this piece, we will be talking about everything you need to know about Monday.com; from the features in this software to the Monday.com price. So if you would like to know more about this software; keep reading. But before we dive into telling you about Monday.com; we want to tell you some details about the company itself.
Monday.com was developed back in 2014 by a company of the same name. The software is a giant in the industry and has been valued at over $1.9 billion in its latest valuation showing how popular it has become. In this piece, we will be going over some of the features in Monday.com which demonstrate its prowess as a project management software. We will also address the topic of Monday.com pricing and Monday.com demo among other things. If you are curious about this software beyond mere interest then keep reading because by the end of this piece, we are sure you will know what decision you want to make in regards to this software.
Highly Rated Monday.com Features
Data Visualization
The first feature in Monday.com software we want to tell you about is the data visualization feature because of all the benefits this feature brings to you. The feature helps you to look at data and present it in a visual format rather than a written one. This essentially allows you to make a better presentation of your project plan to show to your colleagues and teammates so that you can easily explain everything to them. Data has shown that people respond better to visual stimuli rather than just auditory stimuli and hence presenting data in a visual format will help to drive the concepts home and help your team get on the same page as you much faster than before!
Easy Collaboration
The collaboration feature in Monday.com allows for you to add your colleagues to your dashboard. Everyone has access to the same dashboard which makes it easier to work on a project together. The feature helps give everyone equal access to the dashboard where the project plan is laid out. The team can also upload their own work and tasks to the dashboard where everyone can view them easily. This allows for easier communication since everyone is able to view the dashboard, can upload their tasks, leave comments on the task by their colleagues, it makes it a lot easier to collaborate and work together on the same project. Everyone is always updated with what they have to do!
Notifications and Reminders
The notifications feature in Monday.com software is another one we want to tell you about. This feature in the software really helps you stay on top of all your work and commitments at all times. When a project is decided and you are assigned tasks, you can assign deadlines to the tasks. When the deadline is approaching, the software gives you a notification reminder to the approaching deadline so you can be sure to catch it. The software also sends notifications when some comments on a task you uploaded or when you are tagged in a comment by a colleague. This feature inherently ensures that you never miss a deadline or any work which has something to do with you. All in all, it is a very underrated feature which really ensures that you stay on top of all your work and are as efficient as possible!
Monday.com Cost
Monday.com software has a free version however, that version is fairly limited in the number of features you are able to access through it. The version also only allows for two users per team to have access to it. However, the paid version of Monday.com software is not that expensive and can prove to be a good addition to your business. The software is priced in a way that even smaller businesses that are just starting out can easily afford it as well. The software costs $16 per month per user and you have the option to be billed annually for your software use. All in all, this software is quite moderately priced and if you look at its price in comparison to what some of Monday.com’s competitors are charging, the software will not seem expensive at all!
So is Monday.com Worth it?
Now you are probably confused about whether Monday.com software is the way to go for you. If you are still considering then we can perhaps help you come to a final conclusion. We suggest you write a list of ideal features a software should have for you to use it. And then we suggest that you compare it to Monday.com to see if this software will serve all or most of your needs.
We also implore you to read Monday.com reviews by users who have used the software for a while. This will help to give you perspective about the software and how it will fare for you in the long term. User reviews are a good barometer for seeing whether a software will serve you well in the long run.
We also suggest you ask the vendor for a Monday.com demo or a trial of the software to see whether or not the software in action looks like what you imagined it to. We are sure you will draw a conclusion about the software which will be ideal for you.