Product Review

Xiaomi Roidmi Eve Plus roduct Features

This guide provides information about the new Xiaomi Roidmi Eve plus robot vacuum, as well as the features that will help buyers make an informed buying decision.

The new ROIDMI Eve PLUS robot vacuum is compatible with both tidy and time-poor homes. Xiaomi Roidmi Eve PLUS will surprise homemakers again with its advanced robot vacuum cleaner. It is also affordable.

The ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum was designed for homemakers who are allergic pet dander. When your canine friend is changing from winter to summer, they shed a lot of hair and dander. ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum will take care of all your cleaning chores and keep your home clean without leaving any dander.

ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum promises powerful suction and mopping power combined with 18 sensors to remove pet dander from any place. It can also empty the waste and sterilize the unit to prevent allergic reactions.

Highlights of the Product

  • Automated Dust Station- This robot vacuum cleaner is equipped with an application that allows you to instruct the robot to empty its dust cup after each cleaning session. You can also schedule cleanings from the application. The dust station can handle all the waste after the vacuum docks have returned. Users can also schedule everything.
  • Automated sterilization – The robot vacuum cleaner comes with an integrated deodorization system and sterilization system that can be used to eliminate allergens such as dust mites and microbes.
  • This robot vacuum cleaner is a value for money. You can enjoy a high-quality performance at an affordable price. Make sure to check the retail price before you buy. LDS laser navigation, 2700pa suction force, 250m2 at once, 250m2 runtime, vacuuming and mopping.

Product Features

LDS Laser Navigation

  • Auto Dust Station – The robot vacuum takes the effort out of emptying the dust cups. The robot vacuum comes with an application that allows you to control it from any place and at any time.
  • The dust station has a built-in sterilization system. It sterilizes dust mites, hair and other microbes in the bag in less than 12 seconds. The dust bag prevents allergens that can trigger allergies from getting into your home.
  • Algorithm path planning – ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum has an algorithm path planning feature. It works on the principle of alongside first and bow-shaped planning.
  • The ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum has multi-floor mapping capability with precise scanning of layouts and adjusts the right map to ensure optimal cleaning.
  • Side brushes rotate at high speeds, while the vacuum mode automatically adjusts for corner cleaning and sidewall cleaning.

Battery Life

The ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum has a 5200mAh battery. It can run for up to 250 minutes and can cover 250 square feet. Fully charged, the robot vacuum can reach a distance of up to 250 sq. meters.


The ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum’s dedicated application provides information about the dust disposal station. It also allows you to control the device for cleaning. You can also see the dust bag condition, cleaning route, dust bag operation guide and vacuum time.

You can also personalize cleaning according to the size of your room and how you use it, customize specific areas, schedule cleaning MI home, clean queue, Google Assistant Voice and Alexa Control.


The ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum has a cleaning and suction power rating of 2700pa. It also features side brushes that can rotate at high speeds with automatic adjustments. The flexible nozzle automatically adjusts to the floor and cleaning surfaces.

The vacuum cleaner’s smart water tank can hold 250ml water for wet mopping. For precise cleaning, the stimulating hand mopping features 3-stage U-route mapping.

Obstacle Avoidance

The ROIDMI Eve plus robot vacuum is intelligent and slows down when it detects obstacles. The robot is equipped with an IR sensor to detect obstacles and make it slower to avoid them. The robot also has an anti-bumping sensor that detects obstacles and allows for a threshold climb of 2 cm.

Final Thoughts

The ROIDMI Eve Plus robot vacuum will do the job efficiently and without you having to touch it. The robot vacuum has powerful suction power and powerful brushes that allow for deep, effective cleaning. This vacuum is great for pet owners and can trap pet dander. The ROIDMI Eve PLUS Robot Vacuum is very affordable.

Are you ready for the ROIDMI Eve PLUS robot vacuum? You can also leave your feedback and reviews in our comments section.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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