Website Review

Zigzagstripe Reviews Negative Tips of The Website

Do you love boutique items? You might be wondering how you can get it for a low price. To make sure online buyers are aware of the truth, let’s examine a website.

People have taken to boutiques as a way to fashion. According to a United States survey, boutiques are preferred by people who enjoy vintage or retro design. This article will describe the website selling women’s fashion.

Let us now decipher Zigzagstripe reviews and examine the portal’s value.

Building The Portal

The website sells great boutique products. Leslie Hall along with her friends created the fashion evolution to improve women’s appearance through their high-quality products. Let’s look at and see what they have for customers.

  • Hoodies
  • Jeggings
  • Bracelets
  • Necklaces
  • Skirts
  • Earrings
  • Blazers
  • Tops
  • Cardigans

The Site’s Pointers

  • The site’s URL is
  • The delivery policy does not exist, which raises the question: Is Zigzagstripe Legit or Not?
  • 11-03/2017 is the website’s registration date. It is therefore 4 years 10 months and 17 day old.
  • Boutique products, accessories, and other items are available for sale.
  • The email address is [email protected].
  • We have found their address as 8001 Valcasi Drive Ste 101 Arlington TX, 76001.
  • To send a text message, call them at 833-558-876. However, you can reach them by calling 682-587-4243.
  • PayPal, VISA and other payment methods include
  • You may return the product within 30 calendar days of receipt.
  • They can only issue refunds if you have a store credit form.
  • You can return an item to Zigzagstripe reviews and purchase an item separately.
  • The shipping time of the parcel is required to be delivered within 1-3 business day.
  • You can easily identify the icons of social networks.
  • The newsletter facility is available.

Why is The Portal Reliable?

  • You can find the email and office addresses.
  • Social network icons are everywhere.
  • See the free shipping option.
  • The number is also available by phone

Negative Tips of The Website

  • Trustpilot and the website lack reviews.
  • The absence of a delivery policy can be seen.
  • It is possible to gain a 50% trust score.

Is Zigzagstripe Legit?

  • Trust score- The value of is satisfactory. It is 50%
  • Domain age- It is 4 years 10 months and 17 day old. The website’s registration date was 11-03/2017.
  • Customer Reviews – We are still not on Trustpilot. However, the majority of people who have visited the website love the product. Users also liked the products on Instagram and Facebook but didn’t comment on their quality. A buyer review can be found on certain reliable portals where users have left positive feedback.
  • Domain Expiry date- The portal will close on 11/03/2022.
  • Policies – An investigation of Zigzagstripe reviews revealed that all policy trace information is present, but not the delivery policy information.
  • Offer of a Discount – Free Shipping
  • Originality- The address is where the warehouse is located.
  • Alexa ranking- 632,401 The Alexa rank value of the website is 632,401
  • Social Media Icons, & Connections – We noticed that social icons were present. Additionally, YouTube, Facebook, and others links are legitimate.
  • CEO Information-Leslie Hall.

Buyers’ Review

After looking at Trustpilot and the portal, there was no genuine feedback.

On a portal, Zigzagstripe reviews were there, where most were talking about product design and initiating praising them. The ZigZag Stripe has been appreciated by some users. A user has commented that the materials are perfect and should be in their wardrobe. However, the buyer raised some concerns in the website.

Next, the product’s quality has been praised on Facebook and Instagram. The website looks real, judging by the reviews.


Leslie Hall raised the issue of Zigzagstripestripe Reviews in his post. Also, there are fewer flaws to the website than positive feedback.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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