3 Pieces Of High-Tech Hunting Gear To Put On Your Wishlist

Hunting with bows and arrows appeared many years ago and is now a popular sport. Whether you are a professional hunter, or you are interested in this subject, you certainly will not want to miss the following technology products specifically for hunting.
Hiking/Fitness Watch
In recent years, fitness trackers have become increasingly popular with everyone. Most of them have functions to monitor heart rate, running distance, walking steps, swimming laps,… Some of them can even automatically contact emergency numbers in some cases.
In addition, there are also many sports brands that offer fitness watches at various price points for you to easily choose according to your budget. They often have a modern, stylish design, and are easy to use.
So you definitely don’t want to miss out on a smartwatch when you’re hunting outdoors, and it’s even better if you choose a sports watch dedicated to hunting.
Satellite Phone
The truth is, the smartphone you are using will not work in hunting areas. Because these areas are often in the forest, or in the high mountains. The need to regularly charge the smartphone’s battery is also very inconvenient.
So if you’re planning on hunting outdoors, especially a long trip, a satellite phone is a great piece of tech to have in your backpack.
Wherever you are, a satellite phone will always be connected, regardless of whether or not there is a mobile phone network connection. Also emergency personnel can track you using your satellite phone location.
Hunting App
In addition to the above devices the one thing that will save your butt at some point is the onX Hunting Map App. This map is completely unlike Google Maps. It will show you your location on the map (pre-downloadable for your hunting area) and also land boundaries, legal areas to hunt and not to hunt.
When you’re not sure if the area you’re standing in belongs to someone else, or you’re lost and facing the risk of spending a night in the mountains, check out this map for useful information.