5 Great Reasons for Donating a Book

Books play a crucial part in our lives. They form our character, take us to places we’ve never been and help us not feel alone. No surprise that we often find ourselves so involved in the story that we get lost in time. If you’re one of those people, you probably know what follows. The undeniable urge to buy more and more books. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but when you suddenly have no room in your house, it’s time for a change. We’re not saying you have to give up what you love most. Book donation is a great way to control the number of books in your living room, but you can also make someone else happy. Donating a book is a great option, and here are our top five reasons you should opt for a book donation.
1. You’re helping save the planet
The fact that our planet is being more and more destroyed every year isn’t something new. But did you know that it takes about 900 liters of water to make one book? That means you actually have an ocean in your library. Thanks to book donations, you can prevent the Earth from losing water supplies. In addition, it can also stop deforestation. Water and forest are probably the two most important things on our planet. So we should do everything we can to protect them, and you can do that by donating a book.
2. It makes space for your next favorite books
If you’re not such an environmental fanatic, here is the following reason that will be interesting for you. Let’s be honest. You can’t buy new books if you don’t have space for them. And when you don’t buy new books, how can you find new hidden gems? It’s not always easy to throw away books that mean so much to you. That’s why you can donate your books through donation pickup so they don’t go to waste and you can buy new ones.
3. You can make someone else’s day
As a book lover, you know how happy a new book can make you, especially if it is a present from someone else. It shows that the person cares about you and thinks of you. You can do the same and share the joy of reading by donating a book and making someone else’s day.
4. You give the books a new purpose
There’s nothing sadder than seeing untouched books on the shelf. What’s the point of reading a copy once and then keeping it for nothing. If you don’t like reading the same story more times, book donation is a perfect solution. And your books will not look so sad on your shelf anymore. You will give them a new life and purpose in someone else’s hands.
5. It supports community and charities
Definitely, this is the all-important reason for donating a book. Thanks to book donations, you can help a charity or a community that struggles with everyday problems. Make sure you check out some websites and organizations that will help you make the world a better place.
Bottom Line
Letting go of your books can be challenging because of the unforgettable memories and warm feelings they’ve given you. However, once you free yourself from books you no longer need or read, you’ll experience great relief. Book donation is certainly worth your efforts to contribute to preserving the world’s environment or simply to delight someone by passing them your older books. Don’t be afraid to say bye to your paper friends. After all, giving is what really makes you happy.