6 ways to save time and money with automated testing

You are providing quality services that guarantee that your business will snowball and be popular with users. To ensure your software works correctly, you must test it regularly. The survey shows that more than 40% of all large IT companies spend more than half of their QA budget on automated testing. But why? Computerized tests allow you to constantly monitor the progress of your software and detect failures even before users notice them.
6 benefits of using automated testing
Automated testing involves checking program code, which involves using special tools. The main goal is to identify as many bugs as possible that can negatively affect the operation of your software.
Automated testing has a large number of advantages, among the most important are:
- Cost reduction;
- Increased test coverage;
- Improved test accuracy and improved morale;
- Faster delivery;
- Identify hard-to-find bugs;
- Easy reporting.
Each of these points is extremely important, so discussing them in more detail makes sense.
1. Cost reduction
Do not think that automated testing can eliminate manual testing. Also, you won’t be able to reduce the number of testers as they must write new test scripts regularly. So, where do the savings come from?
Automated testing https://testfort.com/automated-testing reduces costs through two crucial aspects: early detection of bugs and reduction in the average price of testing hours.
When your program fails, your revenue plummets as customers see a problem, turn to your competitors, and then don’t return. That is why to avoid losing a stable income, you need to identify errors in the early stages before they become apparent to your users.
In addition, fixing the error itself also costs money. It is worth saying that one mistake entails the appearance of new ones, they grow like a snowball, so the sooner you identify it, the easier it will be for programmers to fix it, which means you will spend less on fixing errors.
A tester cannot spend more than 8 hours a day on tests (after all, this is how long his work shift lasts). Automated tests allow you to run five times as many tests on average, which means you can test large chunks of code in a short amount of time.
2. Testing all code
To keep your product competitive, you must scale constantly. It leads to the fact that you should add new features instead of existing ones—every time, you have to ensure that the new modules work correctly and do not contradict each other.
As your product grows, so does the amount of code that needs to be covered by regression tests. You are taking a significant risk if you do not want to leave some parts of the code untested. As a result, you need to turn to automated testing.
Among all types of testing, only automated tests can identify the most problems with codes, which makes it faster and easier to fix bugs.
3. Increasing Efficiency and Maintaining Testers’ Mood
Doing the same monotonous work can tire a person and lead to many errors due to the human factor. The computer does not get tired and can perform the same tasks indefinitely, increasing the tests’ accuracy.
Since testers can shift all the monotonous work to the tools, they can devote time to more important things. This not only increases the efficiency of their work but also improves the atmosphere in the team, helping to avoid burnout at work.
4. Faster delivery
As your code grows, so does time for manual testing. Reducing software development time is extremely important as the main target is to deliver products faster.
Rapid automated testing in banking as well as other industries is crucial because you get frequent releases and faster time to market. This is especially important when you have a new startup and it is important for you to quickly release your product to the market and bypass all competitors, capture most of it.
If you can speed up the testing process, you can easily beat any similar products and offer new services faster.
5. Easier to Spot Hard Mistakes
Automated testing can uncover complex bugs that are often inaccessible to manual testing. Usually, it’s about memory leaks, security level, or performance. So, if you catch these errors in time, you will avoid many problems associated with reputation.
6. Simple reporting
To perform automatic testing, specialists use special tools that create reports on the work. All that remains for the tester is to organize the data obtained from different tools and pass it on to programmers to correct them. OTT devices automation testing systematizes errors by gradation, from those that need to be fixed in the first place to those that can be eliminated in the process of further work.
The tasks of testers don’t end there. Further, after correcting errors, depending on the prescribed testing strategy, testing can be repeated either completely, but most often only in separate areas. The work can be considered completed if the detected errors are eliminated and their elimination didn’t lead to the appearance of new bugs.