
7 Incredible Approaches to Penning Down a Powerful Essay

Essays are an imperative part of academic writing. From being part of a classroom assignment to assessing research skills, essay writing is a practice that isn’t about to evaporate soon. Many schools, colleges, universities, and training institutes globally ask students to write essays. They are part of the grading system that amounts to one’s qualification.

Generally, essay writing is a great opportunity to showcase expertise and creativity in a given area of study. It can increase understanding and offer insightful information that can lead to incredible breakthroughs. However, as much as essay writing is an ideal chance to develop additional writing and academic skills, it isn’t a walkover for many students or researchers.

Penning down a powerful essay requires absolute research, time, and analytical skills that may even exhaust the writer. Additionally, there are different types of essays that require a unique approach, and failure to abide by the guidelines may affect one’s ultimate success. Therefore, regardless of the type of essay you have to write or the type of writer you are, here are some of the most important facets you must consider to create a convincing essay.

The Vital Approaches to Penning Down a Powerful Essay

Analyze & Understand the Topic

Essays are given for different reasons. Apart from being an assessment tool for one’s understanding of a given topic, they can be a benchmark for specific goals. The instructor’s goal may be to assess your knowledge, counteractive skills, or arguments. Therefore, it’s essential to assess and understand the topic thoroughly before beginning to write. This will help you answer the question directly and correctly.

If you’re unable to clearly understand the topic and what is expected of you, try to discuss the essay with your instructor or colleagues before writing. That is if it is recommended! This will help you attain a clear perception of the topic.

Define your Argument

Your argument when it comes to the realm of academic writing is your claim or the thesis statement. This is generally the purpose of your paper. An argument can be in favor of the topic whereas a counter-argument isn’t in favor of the topic.

Your viewpoint will generally depend on the topic. For example, “Is it beneficial to legalize marijuana globally”? The topic may appear in this form and this gives you the opportunity to take a standpoint by providing supporting evidence. Or giving evidence opposing the legalization of marijuana. Also, this can be an augmentative essay where you have to give both sides of the question.

It’s crucial to read and understand the guidelines that must be followed while penning down your essay. That’s essential because one-sided arguments can affect your score.


One of the biggest secrets to writing a powerful essay is research. However much you may be comfortable with the topic, it’s necessary to set aside time and perform thorough research. Researching a topic will allow you to attain insightful information that can act as an add-on to your understanding.

It should be noted that evidence-based arguments do also enhance the quality of your essay. Try to gather evidence for your argument and all the latest findings that can offer value to your readers.

Consider your Ideas

Essay writing is a great way to enhance critical thinking skills. In fact, it can serve as a perfect add-on to the different active learning strategies. Having made your research, it’s essential to create a draft with your opinions to supplement the findings. Your reasoning also matters because instructors aren’t only looking for already-known information. They are looking for something new and your ideas can prove that you are a serious learner.


When it comes to the phase of writing your essay, it is important to first think about the structure of your essay. The style of your essay will help in increasing the engagement and coherence of your essay. It should be noted that your essay should consist of three main parts; i.e introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction will consist of the thesis statement or the hook that will compel the reader to read your entire essay.

The body is a section where you present your findings and ideas. It also comprises both sides of the argument. Lastly, the conclusion is the last part of your essay. It summarises your findings in a few sentences.

Endeavor to use paragraphs while writing your essay. Apart from that, write clearly, mind about the tone, and the language. Be organized and ensure to complete the essay within the given word count.

Cite Sources & Evidence

Although essay writing may seem to be a mere activity of gathering information from the internet, that doesn’t mean that you will have to pick up any random facts. Every argument must be supported by citations.

Academic citations are very important because they rule out any perception of guesswork. Utilize quotations from academic work and researchers who are respected. Many universities and colleges use the APA citation style, however, they may also allow you to use any other citation style.

Proofread & Edit your Essay

There are several factors that instructors consider when giving scores. Things like grammar, spelling mistakes, sentence errors, and plagiarism can affect your score. Therefore, do a thorough check before submitting your essay. Proofread your essay and edit it to eliminate any errors and plagiarism.

The way digital managers follow a content creation strategy to optimize success, essay writing also requires a formidable approach. Essay writing can prove to be a daunting process, especially if you have never written an essay before. More so, some topics may be complicated and you may not easily find references on the internet.

With that, it’s essential to follow techniques that will optimize your time and help you fetch the best marks. The steps detailed here are the utmost approaches anyone can consider to pen down a powerful essay. But above all, make sure to work within a specific time period in order to meet the deadline.   


Sanket Goyal is an SEO specialist at and is passionate about new technology and blogging.

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