
Avoid Mistakes During A Meeting

When you are meeting with someone, there is no such thing as a casual meeting. This Post is written by Every interaction is an opportunity to make or break a relationship, and you want to ensure that the meeting goes as smoothly as possible. Arrive on time. This isn’t a school day; this is business. Dress appropriately. You are representing your company and yourself in this meeting. Address the person directly when speaking. Remember their name and use them when introducing yourself and addressing them in conversation. Don’t interrupt or talk over each other. Let everyone have a chance to speak before jumping in with your thoughts or opinions. Be respectful of others’ time and space. If someone needs a break, let them go rather than monopolize the conversation or disrupt the meeting flow altogether.

Too Many Meetings

Too many meetings can be a waste of time. Too often, people convene a meeting to discuss topics that could be addressed more efficiently by email or other forms of communication. 

Additionally, many meetings are poorly attended, which results in wasted time and resources. If you must hold a meeting, make sure it is necessary and that all participants are aware of the 

objectives of the meeting beforehand. Also, keep in mind that informal discussions among team members can be just as effective as formal meetings.

No Direction or Meeting Agenda

No matter how well you plan, there is always the potential for an error during a meeting. Here are four common mistakes to avoid. 

1. Not setting clear goals. Before beginning a meeting, you must set clear goals for what you want to achieve. This will help everyone stay on track and avoid confusion later on. 

2. Focusing exclusively on the agenda item at hand. A lot can happen in a meeting that isn’t related to the discussed agenda item. If you become fixated on what’s happening on the screen in front of you, you’ll likely miss some crucial details that could impact the outcome of the meeting. 

3. Pre-empting or interrupting others’ speeches. It’s important to give other people a chance to speak, even if you have something critical that you want to say first. Otherwise, the discussion may become chaotic, and nobody will be able to progress. 

4. Ignorance of social cues. Sometimes we forget that others may not understand our language or cultural references when speaking in a meeting setting. It’s essential to consider how people react and adjust accordingly, so everyone feels comfortable participating.–> Read the full article

Arriving Late and Finishing Late

If you’re arriving late to a meeting, it’s essential to take a few minutes to strategize about how you’re going to compensate for your lateness. Here are a few tips:

1. Introduce yourself and let the other attendees know what role you’ll be playing in the meeting.

2. State your understanding of the schedule and any prior commitments that may prevent you from being able to participate fully.

3. Suggest a time limit for the meeting so that everyone knows when it will end.

4. Explain why you’re late and suggest a plan for catching up on the material once you have spare time.

5. Offer to share any notes or materials you brought so everyone can get started as soon as possible.

6. If possible, arrive at least 10 minutes early, so you have plenty of time to schmooze and network before the meeting starts.

Using Cell Phones

Cell phone use during meetings can be distracting and unpleasant for everyone involved. Here are a few tips to avoid making the mistake of using your phone in a meeting:

1. Make sure your phone is turned off before sitting at the meeting. The screen brightness and sound can be highly disruptive and annoying.

2. If you need to take a call, try to schedule it before the meeting begins to minimize disruption. If you must take a call during the meeting, make sure that everyone knows your plan and that you will be returning shortly.

3. If cell phone use is unavoidable, limit yourself to brief conversations and keep your voice low so everyone can hear you.

4. When politely asking others not to use their cell phones, do not come across as bossy or inflexible – state that it would be best if they refrain from using their phones for the duration of the meeting.

No Ground Rules

When you’re in a meeting, it can be easy to feel like there are no ground rules. This makes the session more chaotic and less productive. There are some basic rules that you should always follow when you’re in a meeting: 

1. Be respectful of your fellow participants: Don’t interrupt or speak over others in the room. Listen carefully and then respond thoughtfully. It can be tempting to take control of the conversation, but this behavior will only irritate everyone else in the room.

2. Follow the schedule: The schedule is there for a reason – don’t skip over essential items or change your mind about what you want to say halfway through the meeting. If you have questions about an article on the agenda, ask before speaking out loud – not after everyone else has started talking.

3. Stick to the topic: Don’t get sidetracked by irrelevant discussions or off-topic topics. Concentrate on what’s being discussed in front of you and stay focused on the goals of the meeting. This will help all participants reach their objectives more quickly and efficiently.

Lack of Participation

You’re likely to miss important points and insights if you’re not actively participating in a meeting:

1. Stay focused: Don’t daydream, or you’ll lose track of what’s being said. Strive to stay attentive and engaged the whole time.

2. Take notes: If you struggle to keep up with the discussion, take some quick notes, so you don’t have to search for them later. This will help ensure that you don’t forget any crucial points.

3. Ask questions: It can be helpful to ask questions from time to time to clarify or verify the information. This will also allow other participants to share their thoughts and perspectives.

4. Share your ideas: If you have something valuable to add, share it! This way, everyone will have a better understanding of the situation and be able to make more informed decisions.

 5. Let others know when you need more time: If the discussion is getting beyond your expertise or if there’s something that’s bothering you but you don’t want to interrupt the conversation, let someone know so that you can continue listening later on. Participating effectively in meetings can be tricky, but with a few simple tips, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get started.


As a professional, you mustn’t make any mistakes during your meetings. Not only will these mistakes reflect poorly on you in the eyes of your peers and superiors, but they could also have severe consequences. Arriving late to a meeting sends the message that you’re unorganized and don’t value your time. Not being prepared – This shows that you lack research skills and aren’t confident about what to say at the meeting. Speaking without taking the time to listen – This can come across as arrogant and presumptuous, which will not help build trust between yourself and your colleagues. Interrupting others – This is rude and can cause tension within the group, which could lead to disharmony down the line.

Richard Maxwell

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