
Bastion Balance Report: What Online Security Measures Keep Your Money

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic began. With it, online scams skyrocketed. To keep up with their complexity, cybersecurity specialists improved their technologies. All the while, they constantly warned users about potential dangers.

2022 doesn’t seem to be the year that will mark the end of the pandemic or online cybercrime. Therefore, it’s up to us to stay safe while using the Internet. So, here are the online security measures that will safeguard you in 2022.

Read more about online security in: Avoiding Cyber Fraud In The Digital Age And Beyond, by Bastion Balance.

Biometric Security Measures

What seemed a Sci-Fi movie motif 20 years ago is now common technology. We no longer need a password to unlock our cell phones. The problem with passwords is that someone can crack them. Moreover, someone can steal them and access our data. Alternatively, we might recklessly provide them to the wrong person.

Biometric authentication methods tackle all these risks. No one except for you can access your device. You’re the online who has the necessary biometric password. Whether you use a fingerprint, voice, or facial recognition, your data is safer. Moreover, experts now focus on behavioral biometrics too.

This allows them to detect abnormal user behavior. Someone might force you to open and hand them over your device. In this case, the system can recognize you’re not the user. Then, it can send an alert to security officers. They can block the device or take other measures.

Two-Factor Authentication

Similarly, to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your data, use two-factor authentication. In the absence of biometric authentication, this is the best login method. Two-factor authentication involves two steps, which add more protection.

First, you use a password to access an account. Then, you also use a unique login code. You get this code by email or text message. Without the code, even if someone has your password, logging in is impossible.

Additionally, you can use two-factor in conjunction with biometric authentication. Thus, one of the security steps requires fingerprint or voice verification.

Data Backup

Having no backup measures is a big risk these days. Whether we refer to your work or your personal files, you need backups. What if your computer cracks or you lose it? Without backups, you’ll lose your files forever. Moreover, this safety measure is beneficial in ransomware cases.

If hackers steal your data and you’ve got no backup, you’re more likely to pay a ransom. However, having a copy enables you to ignore the request. To implement backups correctly, constantly update them. Furthermore, backups also need encryption measures. Otherwise, they could fall into the hands of hackers too.

Monitor Children’s Online Behavior

Kids are exposed to all sorts of dangers on the Internet. What they see or read there can mark them forever. Yet, beyond the emotional consequences, there are also material risks.

Children usually use PCs and tablets to play games. Most of these are safe and come from legitimate companies. However, there are many scammers leveraging them. Not few were the cases when kids unknowingly installed malware on parents’ PCs. They do it by downloading a game plug-in. Scammers encourage them to download the free add-ons. Their purpose is to compromise users’ devices and steal data.

Besides viruses, these plug-ins can contain spyware. Hence, once installed, hackers can access the data on your device. Consequently, you might one day discover money disappeared from your account. The risk of identity theft is also bigger when kids share your laptop.

To avoid all these dangers, use parental controls. Some of these tools have free versions. Many come with sturdy and trusted antivirus programs.

Use an Antivirus

These programs have never been more useful than nowadays. With so many dangers online, it’s crucial to use one. At least get a free version of a reliable antivirus. There are multiple options out there. To pick one that suits your needs and pockets, read user reviews.

An antivirus not only blocks viruses on your PC, tablet, or mobile. It also keeps you safe against spyware or ransomware. Furthermore, it can block unsafe websites or unwanted ads.

Use Ad-blockers

Some people have nothing against online ads. They are so used to them that they can simply ignore them. However, other users hate these annoying pop-ups and banners. Unwanted ads are certainly disrupting and annoying at times. Yet, the bigger risk is related to security matters.

You might want to install an ad-blocker because you dislike online ads. The added benefit is that you’ll increase your safety. Many of these commercial advertising methods are scams. Hackers use them to lure people to a fake offer. Then, once the person clicks the ad, the scam starts unfurling.

A fake ad can contain malicious software. It can also enable hackers to phish for sensitive information. To avoid the dangers altogether, an ad-blocker is a good solution.

All in all, there are several accessible cybersecurity measures for 2022. Don’t ignore their importance. Stay safe!

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