
Cold Weather Got You Down? Try These 5 Awesome Things This Winter

Winter is a divisive season: many people love it, and many people despise it. Some would rather stay indoors while others would prefer to be outside, enjoying the crisp air and chilly weather. No matter what your feelings are toward winter, however, the fact remains that it’s 90 days long, and you’ll need to do something new every day to keep yourself occupied. 

Here are just a few awesome things to try out this winter to stay happy and amused! 

1. A New Routine for Winter Workouts 

A lot of people who work out tend to slack off when winter comes. There are many reasons for this, but the most common include that the air is too cold, and the clothes are too heavy. Whatever your excuse, you shouldn’t avoid physical activity, and should get the right amount of exercise to stay in shape.   

To switch things up, you could add low-intensity exercises to your regimen. For example, instead of burning yourself out on the treadmill, try going for a fun, easy walk. If you keep things simple, you avoid pushing yourself too hard and getting injuries. You will also avoid the fatigue that comes with winter training.  

Another great workout to try is yoga or tai chi. They both improve your breathing, which is wonderful during winter, when the cold weather is a lung irritant.  

2. A Different Skincare Routine 

If working out isn’t up your alley, here is another routine to try out: skincare!  

A lot of people simply wake up and go about their day without paying any mind to their face. Others splash some warm water on their skin or do a quick wash with cheap soap. This is an okay start, but you can definitely up your game.  

This winter, try indulging in facial rejuvenation. Add a few more layers to your skincare regimen by using exfoliators, creams, lotions, moisturizers, and even serums. Your face is your brand and needs to be taken care of properly.  

There are tons of ways to reinvigorate your skin and keep your face looking youthful, so get creative, and don’t be afraid to splurge with more advanced treatments like Botox or advanced surgical techniques like a mini facelift

3. Skiing, Skating, Sledding, and Snowboarding, Oh My! 

When in doubt, try out the 4 S’s: skiing, skating, sledding, and snowboarding. These are common winter activities and are a great way to enjoy the outdoors. They are also fantastic date opportunities, so don’t be shy and bring that special someone along for the ride! But, if you’re indulging in these winter activities, always go for buying a waterproof heated jacket that is perfect for snowboarding or skiing. Today, you can choose from lightweight ski jackets and the snowboard jacket from leading manufacturers of quality.

If you are new to snowboarding, you can check out this article for beginner snowboard tips!

No matter how good or bad you are at these activities, just remember that at the end of the day, you can come home and enjoy some hot cocoa to warm up! 

4. Have a Cozy Movie Night 

When was the last time you watched “A Christmas Story” or “A Miracle on 34th Street?” 

It’s never too early to celebrate Christmas, so gather your friends and family for a classic movie night complete with hot chocolate and popcorn. Don’t forget to cozy up by the fireplace!  

For a fun twist, start a bonfire outside and watch the movie on a projector against the side of your house. With the snow falling, this will be a magical, memorable experience!  

5. Try Your Hand at Knitting 

You may think that knitting is for grandmas and old ladies, but it’s not! It’s a fun way to show off your creativity. It also allows you to create personalized gifts for exchanges.  

There are all sorts of things to knit, from simple blankets to festive holiday sweaters. You can even make clothes for your dog like this user on Reddit did! The possibilities are endless.  Knitting is admittedly a tough skill to learn, but it is completely worth the effort. After all, you can make just about anything imaginable!  

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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