Discover what it is like to live abroad

Traveling is the best, it doesn’t matter if you do it alone or accompanied, with little money or with full payment (who could!). One of the “risks” you run when discovering new lands is that you may fall in love with them and never want to return. You only live once! And moving to another country is the best thing you will do in your life. You know why?
Today we are going to give you 10 reasons why moving to another country is an excellent decision. We will also tell you about the best ways for you to pack your bags and go conquer the world while nourishing yourself on a professional, personal and spiritual level, regardless of the type of traveler you are.
Benefits of living abroad
Living abroad has many benefits that make you grow in all aspects of your life.
1. Your mind opens
If you are going to study abroad, in addition to the knowledge you are going to acquire, you are also going to experience the teaching methods of educational systems of better quality or, at least, different from what you are used to.
Traveling makes you happy, but it also gives you great lessons. The main one: free yourself from prejudices.
Knowing realities different from yours, with your own senses as a first-hand source, will make you wake up and develop your empathy. You will understand that there are infinite ways of seeing the world apart from yours and those around you.
2. You make friends from all over the world
Making friends is the best, no one can deny that. In cities as big as Sydney, Melbourne, Vancouver or Barcelona you will have the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world.
This is due to the fact that they are such magnetic metropolises, which attract many young people from the planet, for this reason, cultural diversity is inevitable. Very often you will hear the expression: “I met more foreigners here than in my own country”
3. You know amazing places
Once you start traveling you won’t want to stop. Moving to another country is just the beginning because even if you have found your place in the world, you can’t wait for the next opportunity to see amazing places.
Sunrises on the beach, northern lights, or ecological destinations are examples of what awaits you on your next adventure. For example:
If you are in Spain, you could do a Eurotrip through England, Ireland, Germany or Malta.
If you are in New Zealand, take advantage of the Lord of the Rings route, take a trip to Australia or vice versa, if you chose the country of kangaroos.
If you choose Ireland, you’ll want to rent a car to tour the Ring of Kerry.
Even in Japan there are a lot of things to see.
4. You come into contact with new cultures
Added to the above reasons, the best thing about traveling is getting to know new customs and understanding that there is a lot we miss out on by not leaving our comfort zone.
When we talk about coming into contact with other cultures, we include customs, languages, expressions, beliefs and gastronomy.
Moving to another country means getting to know all of this in greater depth, since you will have enough time to observe, experiment and, best of all, contribute on your part so that the cultural exchange takes place.
5. You will have many stories to tell
To fill the anecdotage it is not enough to stay at home until you get old. You have to go out and explore the world, because stories are made over time, but also with space!
Moving to another country has more rewards than costs, including nostalgia, a great source of inspiration.
Because of the trips, the new friends, the cultural exchange and a long etcetera, by living in another country you will add new and incredible stories that will teach you great lessons, which you will later pass on to your descendants or whoever you want.
6. You value your origins more
It may be due to nostalgia too, but when talking about your culture in your new country, you will notice details that you perhaps did not value before.
The comparison and admiration of others for what seemed common to you will make you realize how much you are worth as a representative of your place of origin.
Add to that that you are going to miss yours! Moving to another country can be a more complex experience than you imagine, but it is certainly one of the most rewarding.
7. Your resume is enhanced
Going abroad for a season is more than enough to come back with an impressive resume. And it is that in addition to acquiring new knowledge, you will complement it with the experience of being and living outside your place of origin.
In countries with better quality of life, this is even more intensified. Well, it is clear that the education you received is first class and employers will take you very seriously for the best jobs.
8. You become more independent
Better than leaving the nest is flying away. You may break your mother’s heart, but in time, you’ll know it was for your own good.
Moving to another country is, inevitably, becoming independent. This means that you will have to take care of your house, chores and everything that your parents did for you. This will certainly be a positive change in your life!
It will give you much more confidence and strength to function anywhere: to make friends, get a job (or quit your job), find love, etc.
9. You will master another language
If you choose a destination like Canada, Ireland, the United States or New Zealand, the practice of English is going to be imminent.
Immersion is the best complement to your language course.
The offer is infinite and it is known that when faced with the need to communicate in order to survive, in a matter of weeks it will be a piece of cake.
Can you imagine going from practicing English with your Netflix series to watching them without the need for subtitles? And not only that, as cultural products, they have a background that you will understand better, since beyond the language, you will know their context in experiential mode.
10. You learn to enjoy the moment
Studies and work are important, but don’t forget that there is much more out there that money cannot buy to be happy.
We know that the decision to move to another country is not easy, but overcoming the barrier of fear is the greatest achievement for better things to come. We do not want to sound cliché, but it is something that is fulfilled. ?
If you learn to live in the moment, you won’t burn your head thinking too much about the future. In other words, it is good to set goals and draw paths to achieve them, but it is much better to enjoy the journey and reach your goal without getting tired.
How to move to another country?
Now that you know some of the best reasons to move to another country, we will talk about the best “excuses” to stand firm and say goodbye to your “old self”. Because it is not only about traveling, but about taking advantage of the journey with something that will also work for you. Thus, your learning and your evolution will be complete.
These are the most efficient ways to go abroad, get the most out of your stay and find your place in the world, be it a summer or winter destination. You choose!
Nothing better than combining your desire to travel with your contribution to a better world. There are numerous non-profit organizations that work around the world with volunteers for different causes. For example:
Planting a tree in Australia to restore forests affected by the fires. It all depends on what you identify with the most. Get in touch with the NGO that most convinces you. Usually, you get food and lodging in exchange for your work teaching minors, or similar activities.
Study languages
One of the reasons why you have to move to another country is that you will adopt a second language. Studying English abroad is a great way to take flight for a while. Canada, Ireland, Australia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand are the favourites.
In fact, in addition to learning English in Canada, you will also learn French, its other official language.
English courses abroad are diverse. In general, there are intensive, general or preparation for TOEFL, IELTS and Cambridge exams.
Request your budget to study a language course abroad with GrowPro! ?
Study and work abroad
If studying languages is not enough, in some destinations you can study and work abroad!
In Australia you can work. To move you must apply for a student visa or a Work and Holiday. In addition to languages, they also offer vocational studies, called VET courses.
At the beginning we told you that you only live once, and you have to do it well. Moving to another country, even for a while, certainly changes lives for the better. ❤️
The importance of traveling is in what we have told you here. All you have to do to start is dare! You will only lose fear. Do you want to bet? We read each other!