
Five essential tools for any auto body repair shop

An auto body repair shop will fix and maintain vehicle bodies and frames, windshields, and window glass. If you’re a capable mechanic, then this profession could suit you well. Nevertheless, not much is known about the insides of the industry and the specialist equipment required to leave cars gleaming after they’ve visited the shop. Below, we explore five essential tools for any auto body repair shop. Also, you can prefer paint spraying equipment that is best for your shop.

Slide hammer

A slide hammer is an incredibly useful tool for removing panels and sorting out dents. If there’s something that you need to carefully remove from the car, then you’ll attach the slide hammer to it. The hammer can then transmit an impact force to the object without damaging it. This process can help you pull dents and remove bearings and other parts from the car. 

Sanding blocks

You may already have a fast-acting air sander to hand, but a sanding block is still a useful tool to add to your collection. A sanding block is a simple block of wood that you wrap with sandpaper. From there, you can use this tool for colour sanding and buffing, shaping body filler, cutting high spots and finding low spots.

Air compressor

An air compressor is used for painting the body of the car. By fitting this tool with the correct paint for the job, you can efficiently and accurately spray the body of the car with paint and achieve a fine finish. Just ensure you know how to attach a spray gun to the air compressor and you should be all set to apply a new layer of paint to the vehicle. 

Putty knives

Putty knives are easy to acquire and they can help you with plenty of jobs inside an auto body repair shop. Sometimes known as body fills spreaders, putty knives mix body filler around the car – a material also known as Bondo. You can get metal or plastic putty knives, but metal ones are much easier to clean.

Cordless angle grinder

A cordless angle grinder is an essential tool for any auto body repair shop. This is a powerful tool that can efficiently cut through any metal on the car’s body when you’re looking to make repairs. On top of this, the angle grinder can also be used to smooth surfaces to leave the car body with a satisfying and professional finish. 

Setting up or joining an auto body repair shop can be a clever career move. It takes a little while to get used to the techniques required, but by purchasing the tools above, you should be all set to begin the process of repairing and restoring car bodies.

When it comes to auto body repair, contact the Auto Body Edmonton experts.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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