
Five things to consider before choosing Motherboards For I9-12900k

You’ll need the greatest motherboard with the Z690 chipset that your budget will allow to get the most out of your Intel Core i9-12900K. Furthermore, choosing a good motherboard is quite essential because it can help you get your PC boost its performance. All components and external peripherals link to the motherboard, which serves as the computer’s fundamental communications backbone. A motherboard’s expansion slots allow additional components to be inserted. Nevertheless, here are Five things to consider before choosing Motherboards For I9-12900k.


One of the most essential as well as the most important thing that you need to consider before purchasing a motherboard is that whether it has SATA or not. When looking for a motherboard, you should think about how many SATA ports you’ll need. An optical drive as well as storage devices, such as an SSD, can be connected to each SATA port. As a result, double-check that the motherboard has all of the ports of SATA which you will need for all of the discs. It’s also worth mentioning that your motherboard must support the SATA standard which is 6 GBs, usually referred to as SATA 3.0. it is also quite essential to think about peripheral connections.


On-board audio is a more prevalent feature that is usually incorporated on the majority of motherboards. However, mid-range speakers are generally the only ones who can benefit from this. It is worth mentioning that better motherboards frequently have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, but you’ll have to pay extra for them. They will, however, lessen the demand for expansion cards.

Slots for PCI cards

Another one of the most important as well as the most essential thing that you need to consider before buying a motherboard is that whether it has a slot of PCI cards or not. PCI cards are one of the most essential components of gaming PCs because without them, a gaming PC will not be able to run high graphics game, therefore, having a slot for these cards is quite essential.

Socket for Processor

After you’ve decided on a form factor, you’ll need to decide on a CPU socket. LGA is used by Intel, while PGA is used by AMD. It is quite essential to make sure that you know what kind of CPU you want to buy and that how many sockets and what kind of sockets it have.

Factor of Form

Last but not the least, factor of form is also one of the most essential things that you need to consider before purchasing a motherboard. It is quite essential to make sure that you compare the size of the motherboard that you are planning on buying with other motherboards or your previous motherboard to see whether it will fit properly or not.

The Final Words

After reading this article, now you know everything about motherboards including but not limited to the top 5 things that you need to consider before purchasing the motherboard.

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