
From Paper to Pixels: Making the Transition To Online Building Permit Software

Permits can be a burden to municipalities and construction firms alike at any given time. Relying on my paper and pencil version of the permitting process is frustrating in our tech-oriented modern world. Thankfully, technology can streamline tracking and permitting. Whether building a private dwelling, renovating, or constructing something for public use, permits play a pivotal role in any construction project. Failure to properly manage your permits can lead to big problems down the road. It’s bad enough that incomplete documentation can lead to delays or stop a project in its tracks. But outdated or incorrect/inaccurate permits shouldn’t put a damper on a construction project, nor should they be a reason for your crew to face a potential lawsuit. And communication problems can sometimes prove to be a major pain point for any project. Contractors need an easy-use platform to streamline their entire permit process. Luckily, there are plenty of options in the modern marketplace. Selecting one for your construction company is ultimately up to you, but today will help you learn how to make that transition easily. Keep reading to learn more about getting the most out of your construction management software.

Why Companies Should Transition To Digital Software

The world is constantly changing. Whether in how contractors manage construction projects or the materials used in the process, these changes often lead to increased efficiency and more streamlined operations. Take permits, for example. Permits are the bread and butter (or cheese, if you prefer) of getting a construction project off the ground. Permit inspections—a vital part of any construction project—are integral to finishing a project correctly. They’re critical in meeting safety and building codes. They ensure proper zoning laws are followed and that crews are working within the confines of the law. Moreover, they’re a source of accurate (and necessary) information to help teams with efficiency, cost management, and handling the finer (and legal) details of running a project. Digital contracting software optimizes efficiency, automates specific processes, and makes record-keeping a breeze. Better than that, cloud-based tech makes it easier to set up and manage contracts remotely. This means communication between teams and project leaders is simple yet efficient. The software also makes it easier to generate, edit, and optimize permit reports, inspections, applications, and plan reviews. This leads to better data management, faster decision-making, and improved accuracy.

Navigating the Transition Process

Depending on the nature of your company, you might still be living in the Stone Age when it comes to managing permits. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it can lead to inefficiencies and roadblocks. Since you want to avoid such things, transitioning to permit software ideally is often necessary to maintain a competitive edge nowadays. So how do you navigate the transition from your old way of managing permits to transition software.? It starts with training employees and teaching them to communicate with one another. Relevant employees should be trained on the software and understand its use. They should also be able to train others to use and manage it officially. It would help if you also had a plan for migrating your existing data to the new system so that it maintains its integrity, accuracy, and security. Although the benefits of online permitting software are relatively self-evident, organizations should approach the transition carefully and cautiously. That way, they can smooth out any bumps along the way and ensure they get the most out of their new software solution.

Choosing the Right Online Permitting Software

Choosing the right online permitting software can be frustrating at times. To begin with, you must find something that suits your needs. That’s obvious. But it would be best to consider the interface, the learning curve, the workflow, and the end-user experience. If the system is too difficult to use or highly complicated, nobody will use it. The idea is to streamline workflows, not make them more complex. Also, consider the cost. How much is it going to cost to license the software? What about the ownership of different software options? How much will support and maintenance cost long term? Can you scale the software to accommodate changes? What sort of documentation and training materials are available for it? Be sure to evaluate these criteria carefully to ensure you get the most out of your investment in electronic permitting software.

Best Practices for Implementing Online Permitting Software

Transitioning from paper processes isn’t always straightforward. But there’s a good case for it. It enables duplication. It keeps a backup of things. It allows companies to hold their employees accountable. So it makes sense to conduct thorough research (like we discussed above) into which software solutions might work best for your organization. You must find one that meets your needs, has plenty of functionality, and can be scalable to any project. Scalability is critical here because you might take on a larger construction project down the line and should be able to use the same permitting software for any project. When you’ve locked in the best building permit software for your organization, don’t forget to develop a comprehensive implementation and training plan to ensure your organization reaps the most benefit from the software throughout (and beyond) its adoption.

Measuring Success

Obtaining a software solution is only the first step along a journey full of challenges. Measuring the success of your software is one of those challenges. Organizations need to understand the success of the software in terms of implementation, training, and effectiveness. Some key metrics that you can use to evaporate the impact of the system include processing times, customer satisfaction, data integrity, and usability. By taking the time to consider these metrics, organizations can ensure that their software is both successful and valuable for their needs. Assess these metrics and determine if a change is required. If processing times can’t handle your tasks quickly, it’s time to consider a different option. On that same token, if the system isn’t usable, you will want something else. At the end of the day, measuring the success of your software is a vital part of the process of switching from paper to electronic permitting and will only serve to help your organization succeed in the future.

Richard Maxwell

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