
How Insurance Customer Reviews Can Help Your Agency Grow

Positive customer reviews offer valuable opportunities to grow insurance agencies in this competitive marketplace. According to research, modern consumers trust online customer reviews just as much as recommendations from their family members and friends. In this era of digital shopping, more consumers rely on reviews left by other customers to make informed buying decisions. That’s why insurance companies should also strive hard to get more positive reviews to grab the attention of more customers. 

Read the article to learn more about the importance of customer reviews for your insurance agency and why you should include them in your marketing strategy to achieve desired outcomes. 

Why Insurance Customer Reviews Are Important

Whether you are selling life insurance, funeral insurance, or auto insurance plans, there are several ways customer reviews can benefit your agency greatly. Some of them are listed below here:

Insurance Customer Reviews Build Credibility

In this digital world, personal recommendations like online customer reviews are highly regarded as the most trusted form of marketing. According to industry experts, positive customer reviews make more than 70% of new customers trust a brand or business. When prospects see lots of reviews on your business website or review platforms like Yelp, they are more likely to buy from you. This means, getting more reviews for your insurance agency will definitely increase your sales by building credibility and trustworthiness.

Reviews Help Customers Measure the Quality of your Agency

Insurance customer reviews from satisfied customers are a common way of assessing the quality of services an insurance agency provides. Insurance buyers these days prefer checking reviews from other customers to see whether the company is reliable or not. They check agency websites, review websites like GMB, Yelp, and social media sites like Facebook before they make final insurance buying decisions. As most insurance companies have fewer online reviews across their digital channels, it could be an opportunity for your agency to stand out from the competition by getting more online reviews.

Online Reviews Help You Rank Higher on Search Engines like Google

Insurance agencies with lots of positive (5-star reviews) on sites like Google My Business tend to rank higher in search results to drive more organic traffic. When search engines find an agency trusted by many customers, it ranks the site higher in search results. As a result, the company is likely to drive more users who are about to buy insurance policies. Appearing in top search results with plenty of reviews also shows your agency as a leader in the industry to help you generate more sales.

Increase Conversions on Agency Website

Due to the availability of review websites like Google My Business, most businesses think that it is not necessary to incorporate customer reviews on their official websites. However, showing positive and valuable customer reviews on your agency website nearby contact us or quote forms can have a positive impact on website visitors to convert them into buyers. The availability of customer reviews on the insurance agency website can increase the credibility and trust of your website to attract more new insurance customers. 

How to Get More Insurance Customer Reviews?

When it comes to get more online reviews for your insurance agency, you need to make sure your agency is listed on the major review websites and directories like Yelp, Google My Business and Facebook, etc. This makes your business easily accessible across the web so your happy customers can easily share their honest feedback.

There are several ways to generate online reviews for your insurance business and some of them are listed here:

Passive Methods of Getting Insurance Customer Reviews

  • Incorporate a review widget on your website to feature reviews and a call to action to ask new customers about writing their reviews. 
  • Insert a link in your email signature to encourage customers for writing reviews. 

Active Methods of Getting Insurance Customer Reviews

  • Ask your new customers in person to write honest reviews on your website or social media profiles like Facebook. 
  • Send personalized follow-up emails right after closing insurance sales successfully. 
  • Use customer reviews as User-generated content across your social media profiles and ask new customers to share their reviews as well.  
  • Publish insurance customer reviews on your agency website to make your customers feel special so others can do the same too. 
  • Include customer review links in insurance surveys and newsletters. 


Online customer reviews are very much important in this online shopping sphere because customers usually go through the reviews and feedback from other customers before they reach any final buying decisions. To get more reviews for your insurance agency, make review writing as easier and simpler as possible so your customers can write honest reviews about your products and services without facing troubles.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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