
How Root Canal Treatment is Performed

Ah, root canals. Many people fear them, but they don’t really know how the procedure is. We will explain all you need to know below.

In many cases, the fear of the unknown makes patients anxious when they hear they need to undergo root canal treatment in Grande Prairie. Our dentist in Grande Prairie will explain step-by-step root canal therapy.

Steps of a Root Canal

First, you will need to visit an endodontist that determines if you qualify for root canal treatment near you. If you do, the treatment will consist of multiple steps:

Step 1 – Your doctor will take a set of x-rays to have different projections of your tooth and check the periodontal area.

Step 2 – The second step is managing the pain and anxiety of the patient. Your endodontist will administer numb medication, and if you are too anxious, you may opt for sedation dentistry.

Step 3 – Now it’s time to isolate the tooth. Your doctor will do so with a rubber dam. This step will ensure that the area is dry and clean during the entire treatment.

Step 4 – Your endodontist will drill your tooth until the pulp is exposed. They will remove it (because it is infected), along with any necrotic tissues they find inside the root canal system (to eliminate residual tissues from the canals, they will use thin files).

Step 5 – They will clean and disinfect the pulp chamber and the canals with special solutions and dry the area.

Step 6 – Thanks to modern dentistry, a root canal can be performed in a single appointment. Now, your doctor will seal the root canal system with a biocompatible material called Gutta-percha.

Step 7 – Once the canals are sealed, the endodontist will place a temporary filling to protect the tooth from bacteria and debris.

Step 8 – Sometimes, the dental professional can prepare the tooth for a porcelain dental crown and cement it right after the root canal is done. But if it is not your case, you will need another dental appointment for your permanent restoration.

Step 9 – This and the following steps are regarding your aftercare. You should take it easy during the first day since your tooth will be sensitive. Avoid chewing with the treated dental piece until you get your porcelain dental crown.

Step 10 – To manage any discomfort after the treatment, you may take over-the-counter pain medication, such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen.

Step 11 – To manage the mild pain, we suggest applying an ice pack for ten minutes on/off to reduce swelling, sleeping with your head elevated to prevent irritation, avoiding hot meals the first day, and maintaining your oral care routine.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

A root canal may last up to 15 years; however, this is only an estimated time since we have patients that underwent root canal therapy over 20 years ago, and their teeth are in excellent condition.

Keep in mind that postponing the placement of the final restoration endangers the root canal. Bacteria may penetrate and infect the tooth again.

You don’t need to take special care of a tooth with root canal treatment; however, stick to the basics – brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss between teeth once a day, avoid sugary snacks, and keep up with your dental checkups. By doing this, you will guarantee a successful treatment and keep oral issues away.

If you have any other questions regarding root canal therapy, you may visit or book an appointment online. We have an endodontist near you looking forward to helping you improve your smile and life quality.

James Morkel

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