How to choose a development software provider

In our day-to-day work, we often encounter companies that felt cheated by software vendors who decided to develop custom software. In some cases, these are real scammers, in other cases, “character incompatibility.” However, often this problem arises because of a gap in knowledge between the customer and the software outsource company, or because the company did not take into account some important aspects when choosing a supplier, which we will discuss in this article.
It is really difficult for us to choose the right supplier: most often we make a decision at random, based on personal knowledge. Maybe you met a guy on a course, you asked him “can you develop this program?”. This is a path that often leads to lousy software.
What are the criteria for choosing a software development company?
- Historicity
Historicity isn’t the most significant factor, since new enterprises may be quite successful.
Regardless, the largest issue with software development is disorganization. So you can recruit 19-year-olds who can program but can’t work.
When working with new organizations, you don’t know whether they even have customer management standards in their thoughts, much alone implement them.
Also, creating a software says you want to use it for years; buying a tool means you just want to use it for six months. That is, whether it is ten, twenty, or thirty years old, it is a guarantee that it will still exist ten years hence.
Why not hire a freelance developer?
You have to use newbies, freelancers, and even excellent university students. They vanish exactly when they are required to aid and allow new functions, since they are so excellent.
For this, you need software that will last 10 years or more.
- Experience in the industry
Programming is “portability” in principle. In fact, one of Digitalsuits products is Amuse, a museum program that employs sensors to detect a visitor’s location and inform them what’s around.
The expense of developing an Amuse for each museum would be quite high: over 50,000 euros, presuming it took three to four years to build. However, by collaborating with other institutions, we were able to build it for a fraction of the original four-year development cost.
Each business has unique features that set it apart.
Digitalsuits is quite powerful in app and cloud programming, since one of our most used languages is React.
If you need to develop an app for both Android and iOS, you can bet that 95% of the code will be the same.
We could create independent software, which requires installation on your computer, but we wouldn’t be the finest in the market.
- Closeness
Because software often connects with processes, it is conceivable that there will be an application that will address all of your difficulties.
In fact, bespoke software is often required since the process is extremely customized. The closer you are to the tool’s creator, the better.
If you work alone on a computer, and it breaks, you should have an expert nearby to fix it. When developing bespoke standalone software, proximity is proportionally more crucial.
As defunct technologies, the reference programmer was “nearby” at the time of their debut. We’re moving away from this technology, but if you need to produce separate software, find a specialist nearby.
- Applied technologies
This is the most difficult thing for non-industry observers to grasp. In reality, employing old technology may cause several issues. For example, Python is presently the most used programming language. So if you have Python software, you can be confident that in 10 years, someone will be able to repair it if the firm that built it fails.
If you want the software developed in Delphi, you should reconsider: just one in every four hundred programmers can write in Delphi. So, if you order software in that language and the programmer departs thereafter, where do you think you can get a replacement?
Question the programmer’s language choice while requesting a quote: Search for this programming language on Google to see how extensively used it is.
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