How to Deal with Blitts and Gaines, a Debt Collection Agency

Blitts and Gaines, sometimes stylized as blitts & gaines, is a debt collection agency based in Wheeling, Illinois. They style themselves as debt collection attorneys but don’t let that scare you. They’re just a normal collector working in America’s $14 trillion debt industry. They’re a medium-sized firm that collects debt for some important financial institutions and banks, including SoloSuit, who are known for their high-interest rates on credit card and payday loan balances.
Blitts and Gaines are one of the many debt collection agencies in America. They’re not known for being particularly threatening or anything like that – they’re just collecting debts. As America’s $14 trillion debt industry continues to grow, so does the number of companies specializing in collections. If you have been contacted by an agency such as this one, it’s important to know how to deal with them.
What are Blitts and Gaines?
Blitts and Gaines is a debt collection agency that is based in Wheeling, Illinois. They stylize themselves as debt collection attorneys but don’t let that scare you. They’re just a normal collector working in America’s $14 trillion debt industry.
They’re a medium-sized firm collecting debt for major corporations like GE Capital and Bank of America. The company has been around for about five years, with its headquarters located in the industrial area of Wheeling.
The Process of Dealing with Blitts and Gaines
In order to deal with blitts and gaines, you must know how they work. They are a debt collector, so their primary job is to collect what is owed. The first thing that you should do when dealing with them is to listen carefully because they will have specific instructions for you. You should pay close attention because your situation may require that you be truthful about the amount of money you owe, or it could be beneficial for them if you lie about the amount of money that you owe.
Advice from Experienced Attorneys
Blitts and Gaines is not the kind of company you want to have come after you. They are aggressive, and they will not stop until they get what they’re looking for. But that’s just their job. If it’s unavoidable that you find yourself in debt with them, then there are some steps you can take to minimize the damage.
When dealing with this type of collector, make sure your paperwork is in order. Have copies of any relevant letters sent to you about the debt, but don’t provide any original documents until asked for them. Make sure you know who your representative from their office is by asking for his or her name when he or she calls, this way, you’ll be able to keep track of which agent dealt with your case at all times if more than one calls.
If you’re not sure if you owe the debt, don’t just start throwing money at it! You need to go through the court system. If you do owe the debt and get in touch with them, they’ll probably send you something in the mail, like a letter or a phone call. If they can’t reach you by phone or mail, then they might have someone show up at your house or job, which is where things could get tricky for your personal life. This is why it’s important that if anyone comes knocking on your door, you know who they are and what they want before opening the door.