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How to Get a Job in the U.S? Spoiler Alert: Move There First

To find yourself working and fulfilling your dreams in the U.S may seem like a crazy idea at times. Although to get a job in a country with one of the most stable economies isn’t all that difficult: once you’re a permanent resident all you have to do is send out a couple ( a dozen or so…) applications and hope for someone to choose you as their next best employer. 

There are a few ways that may help you become a permanent resident. You could apply for a Green Card if you have family or a spouse in the U.S, through employment or investment or you could participate in a DV Program that lets individuals win a permanent residency card. 

What is a DV Lottery Program?

DV Lottery is a government initiative. Its main purpose is issuing around 55000 diversity visas each year to applicants from countries that have low visa approval rates. 

The results are absolutely random and are chosen through a drawing. To participate one must submit an application form through a government website, admissions start on October 7. 

If you wish to do a training application form, then you should check out this copy of the authentic DV Program application that lets you fill in, edit and redo your answers. Unlike the original, this copy can be saved, and you can come back to it later to review or edit the entered information. 

Increase Your Chances of Winning the Green Card

If you are married or have kids over 16 years old, you have an opportunity to increase your chances of winning the DV Program. All family members can submit separate application forms for the lottery.

To be eligible all applicants need to have valid education of a high school diploma or higher and two-year work experience in the related field. 

Requirements for a DV Program

Below are some of the most important conditions to qualify for the DV Lottery drawings.

  • Your birth country has to be on the list of countries eligible to participate. If your country isn’t eligible, you can state your spouse’s, children’s or parent’s country as your own. Otherwise check the U.S authorities websites whether there are other options available for you
  • You need to have at least 2 years of experience at an occupation which is present on the eligible jobs list
  • Your passport is valid for another six months from the application date
  • You have an appropriate photo that meets the US visa requirements standard

Photo Requirements for a DV Lottery Program

Above all important conditions is to get the correct photo for your application. You should follow the instructions below to achieve a compliant image:

  1. The photo must represent your current look.
  2. It should be 51x51mm or 600×600 in size, colored and with no visible pixels or blurs
  3. No head coverings or professional clothing, headscarves worn for religious reasons are allowed
  4. A person’s face should take up to 50-69% of the photo
  5. No glasses allowed since 2016
  6. Only white and off-white backgrounds are allowed. If you take your picture at home, you can use a white sheet, a white wall or a blanket

Application admission for DV Program 2023 starts on October 7. Train with a copy of the original DV Program form while you collect all your necessary documentations ready to ensure the quality of your submitted entry. 

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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