
How to Stay Safe on the Road This Summer

Summer means road trips and vacation travel – which means more driving for all! While enjoying driving should remain paramount in our minds, safety should remain top-of-mind at all times. Here are a few tips to ensure both yourself and your loved ones arrive safely at their destinations this season.

Drive Defensively

Being a defensive driver means being alert and looking out for potential hazards around you. Leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle in front of you, keep your eyes moving to spot emerging risks, and be ready to react to the unexpected. Assume other drivers may do something erratic and anticipate how you’ll respond. Defensive driving habits can prevent many accidents.

Limit Distractions

Driver distraction is a major cause of accidents, especially among younger drivers. Talking or texting on a cell phone, changing music, eating, or tending to passengers can take your focus off the road. Make a rule of no cell phone use while driving – for you and your passengers. Pull over safely if you need to make a call or send a text. Ask others in the car to help limit chatter or other disruptions so you can concentrate fully.

Follow the Rules of the Road

Practice good driving etiquette and obey traffic laws. Use turn signals, choose the proper lane, and yield the right of way when appropriate. Don’t speed, tailgate, or make illegal maneuvers. While you can’t control other drivers, you can do your part to keep everyone safe by being a lawful and courteous road user. Setting a positive example can help all drivers stay alert and avoid accidents.

Check Your Vehicle

Make sure your car or truck is road-ready before a trip. Check tire pressure and tread wear, fluid levels, lights, windshield wipers, and safety features. Conduct a test drive to spot any issues with handling or braking. Doing preventive maintenance and repairs can reduce the chance of a breakdown or blowout on the road that could lead to an accident.

Get Enough Rest

Drowsy driving causes thousands of crashes every year. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and extra rest is key during long drives. Stop every 2 hours for a break to refresh – have a snack, walk around, or nap. Swap driving duty with another rested adult. Or plan overnight stays to split up a long trip. Arriving safely is more important than shaving time.

In Conclusion

It’s easy to get complacent about driving, especially on familiar routes. But staying vigilant about safety on every trip can help prevent the heartbreak of an accident. Drivers of all ages should use their best judgment and follow safe driving tips. Remember, small steps like avoiding distractions, obeying traffic laws, and getting enough rest go a long way towards accident prevention. Drive like lives depend on it – because they do.

While no one expects to need the services of a personal injury attorney after an accident, crashes can and do happen even when we work hard to avoid them. That’s why it’s so important to take all reasonable precautions. Safe driving practices benefit everyone sharing the road. With mindful, defensive driving habits, we can each do our part to make summer travel more secure.

Richard Maxwell

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