
How to Trim a Tree That Is Too Tall?

Large trees contribute to healthier air quality and enhance the property value by as much as 20%. However, they may scrape against the house or become a hazard in a storm. Although their enchanting structure is a beauty, trimming and pruning them is essential for safety reasons. Also, it keeps them in optimal health. While you should seek expert services for the tree trimming in Sacramento, small pruning tasks can be undertaken by you.

You need specialized tools and demanding physical labor to trim large trees. In this guide, we will focus on how you can do tree trimming.

Things you need

You need to collect the following materials before you begin:

  • Pruning clippers and a pruning pole
  • Safety harness
  • Tripod ladder

Trimming yourself requires planning and knowledge. You need to adhere to safety measures.

Do not use a flat ladder against the tree as it may slip. A tripod ladder is a safe option. Try to get close to the branches to prevent injuries.

If you see any active or dead electrical wires running through the tree’s limbs, stop the work. Connect with a professional for tree services in Sacramento.

Steps for tree trimming

Tripod Ladder

Using a tripod ladder ensures safety and stability on the soft turf around the tree.

Safety Harness

Find a strong tree branch and fix a safety harness to it. Attach it with your body. It ensures your security.


Ensure no electric wires cross through the tree because electrocution can happen. 


It is time to use a pruning clipper and pruning pole to cut down any dead, damaged, or overgrown branches.

Aesthetic appeal

Cut the branch 1/4 inch above the nearest bud while removing it. Do not remove leader branches that protrude from the tree at around 40-degree angles.

You can also hire a professional for landscape design in Sacramento to enhance the aesthetics.

How to use a pole pruner?

  • Pole pruners are for long-reach cutting. The tool can save you a lot of uncomfortable work. However, apply caution while using them. You can use it for minor pruning on trees. Wear goggles for your safety because a tiny piece can pierce your eye. 
  • Find a branch you want to prune. Many pole pruners feature telescoping aluminum shafts that are adjusted by a lever that flips up and down. Before raising the pruner, double-check that the sections are secure.
  • You can apply extra pressure to the cutting mechanism by not over- or under-extending your pole pruner.
  • Place the pruner saw parallel to the branch collar. 
  • Now cut through the branch using the handle.


Be cautious of your surroundings while doing the trimming. However, we recommend hiring services for tree trimmer or tree removal in Sacramento. A professional tree trimmer uses best trimming methods while ensuring safety.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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