
Invisible Friends NFT Major NFT Sales

Are you interested in buying non-fungible currency since it is not able to be duplicated and also has the highest value for uniqueness? If so, then continue reading this article until the end to gain full understanding of this subject.

Collectors of unique tokens and art-token enthusiasts of all over the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Netherlands are searching for high-value collections of creators to enhance its value in the next few years. Continue reading this article to learn more about Invisible Friends The NFT.

About Invisible Friends

Invisible Friends is an art collection of NFTs that offers a variety. Anyone who is interested in purchasing the NFTs made by them, by making their prices. Value of tokens rises in proportion to the value of the currency. The most rare tokens are costly.

The rarity of tokens is measured in points. A higher number of points indicate it is scarce. The buyer can determine the cost of tokens on the various NFT platforms and then purchase the NFT token that is the right balance between rarity and price that is in line with.

Invisible Friends NFT

  • Invisible Friends has various rare NFTs which can be bought through different NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea.
  • The cost of NFTs is listed on the marketplace. If there’s several bidders the bidder with the highest price wins the NFT for the final price they bid.
  • The buyer may retain an NFT for a prolonged period in the event that the demand for that specific NFT increases then the NFT owner has the option to sell it to a prospective buyer for a greater cost.

Invisible Friends Statistics

  • In the past week, Invisible Friends creators have sold Five Invisible Friends NFT.
  • The total volume of sales is $386.75.
  • The median price for NFT averages $77.3.
  • It is the 19th owner of the NFTs developed in the name of Invisible Friends.
  • The total supply amount of tokens totals 69.
  • The price at which tokens are traded is 0.02.

Major NFT Sales

Invisible Friend 069 is the most expensive NFT offered from Invisible Friends. The NFT was priced at $295. All of these NFT sales were made through the OpenSea NFT marketplace. Other major NFT sales are as follows:

  • Invisible Friend 066: $128.
  • Invisible Friend 026: $92.
  • Invisible Friend 023: $86. Find out more about Invisible Friends NFT.
  • Invisible Friend 022: $86.
  • Invisible Friend 004: $85.
  • Invisible Friend 068: $85.
  • Invisible Friend 027: $84.
  • Invisible Friend 005: $83
  • Invisible Friend 034: $80
  • Invisible Friend 048: $80
  • Invisible Friend 033: $62
  • Invisible Friend 006: $81 This is the most recent NFT that is being sold through Invisible friends.


NFT marketplace has seen enormous popularity in recent times as sports sponsors, celebrities, clubs, as well as social media influencers bought various rare NFTs that are available on the NFT marketplace.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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